All good things

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As we all know,we face things in our lives that may cause pain.But if we push through that pain there can be truly something beautiful

My name is sonae senhachiru and ive always been a faithful woman to any man im with,but it seems as though he wasnt the same

2 and a half years ago

"Hey sen wait up!"a man runs up and catches my arm in his hand .I turn around to see the infamous Kugo Ginjo

"Um hey there something you need?"oh god please go away.In all honesty I really don't like him he's an asshole.

Ginjo touched my face making me step back a little. "Awww come on Sen you know you want me"He stepped closer but this time he grabbed my waist and whispered"Cuz I want you"He slowly licked my hear,making me shiver slightly.To say that I didnt like that or feel a little turned on by that would be a complete lie.I dont want to feel this way but I cant help it.
I gather my bearings and push him off of me "As if I would ever give you the time of day" he steps back and smirks "Maybe not now and maybe not later but eventually you'll be mine" I roll my eyes and turn to walk away from him he's disgusting but he is hot,but I still can't get over the fact that he's a prick. It was then when I realized that I dropped my keys when he grabbed me...this made me panic slightly I started to walk back to the spot where I was standing but I don't see them..suddenly I feel the top of my shoulder being grabbed, I turn around to see one of the most handsome men I've ever seen in my life and the love of my life but I'll never let him know that i get way too nervous and way too shy.The gorgeous Starrk Coyote standing right behind me with his usual lazy face but with a slight smile this time "forgetting something?" he says holding up my keys in the air .The look of embarrassment and relief flashes over my face and I blush slightly as well as offer the sexy ass man a big smile " Oh my god starrk your such a life saver I don't know what I would do with out you"starrk let's out a deep sexy chuckle and  lowers my keys to my face, when I reach to grab them our hands touched and pure electricity shots throughout my body.....
( I know it's really nothing to get so worked up about but when your attracted to someone and your in love with them for so long shit like that gets too you and makes you feel like that).Starrk grabs me by my waist and hugs me, I'm in complete shock he's never done anything like that before. starrk leans down towards my ear I can feel his soft hair tickling my neck " I think that this is good enough Copesisation for my deed "I feel his warm breath going down my neck oh my god this man smells so damn good he let's go of me and my face was beat red i giggle and slap starrk lightly on the chest " You play to much but i have to go....see you later starrk"I wave and turn to get in my car

Starrks POV

I watch her as she drives off "who's to say I was playing" If only she knew how I felt about her

End of  POV


"This is some bullshit it's fuckin 12: 30 am and he's still not home" I roll over in bed talking to myself he won't even answer my calls.. This shit is hella suspect was my last thought before I fell asleep. I wake up to the sound of is car door closing (Now any woman  or man ;)who has a man knows how this feels and what I'm talking about) I wait in the bed for him to walk into the room I reach over and turn one of the lamps on only to see the look of a deer caught in headlights on his face "H..hey baby" He says I roll my eyes, flick out the light and roll over "And by the way it's 4: 00am" He gets in a shower and I go back to sleep, it was then when I feel his hook ass try to get in the bed and cuddle "Ginjo get the fuck off me" I push against his chest and kick him out of the bed "ah come on babe I said I was sorry, dont be like that "I reach over and smack ginjo with a pillow " What the fuck were you doing out so late! "He touches my face but I smack his hand away " Babe I.... "I stop him in mid sentence" You know what kugo,I don't care any more cause all your gonna do is tell me a bullshit ass lie" I turn over and fall to sleep tuning out his last sentence

5 hours later (9:00am)

I wake up to the sun assaulting my eye balls I look over and see ginjo laying next to me "god I wanna slap the shit out of you" I got outta bed and used the bathroom. My intestines start to feel like their slap boxing (in other words im hungry asf) I walk down stairs to go and make breakfast.

45 minutes later
I finished making the food and I start to eat that's when I hear heavy foot steps "mmh something smells good, whadya cook babe" I look up at him
and slip a piece of bacon in my mouth "nothing for you" His mouth falls agape "are you serious, is this about last night I said I was sorry damn" I look at him clutching the butter knife tight in my hand and watch as he continues to inch closer to his death "I'm a grown ass man and I'll stay out for as long as I want so get over it! "I slide my chair back and stand up " Who the fuck do you think your talking to? "I step closer as our chest press together"need I remind you that this is your fault and that you have no one to blame but yourself"

To be continued

If you like this story please review and let me know how it was  I promise that there will be smut in  near future and humor thank you so much kisses

Love Moomoo

P. S-sorry if it's short

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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