Could This Be Fate?

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Here I was, in my eighth period class. Math. My absolute worst subject. I tried hard to focus on the white scrawls on the chalkboard, but it seemed useless. I chewed on my dull pencil and squinted at the clock. Five more minutes of torture. I absent-mindedly began to twirl my hair. It was totally girly and cliche, but it was a bad habit of mine. 

My heart skipped a beat when I felt someone staring at me. My eyes met my teacher's gaze. "Ellen, stay focused!" I nodded and sat up in my seat. My pencil made an attempt to record some sort of writing in my notebook.

Ever since we had been getting so many snowstorms here in Marine Park, the school had been suffering from some technical difficulties.

"RINNNNGGG!!!! THIS IS THE END OF EIGHT PERIOD!" Hearing our principal scream into the loud speaker was pretty funny, if I do say so myself. I heard everyone laugh as they stood up and walked out of the room. I followed, but was stopped by my teacher.

"Ellen, come here for a moment." I walked over to Mr. Garland's desk as casually as I could manage. "Have you been having trouble comprehending the material in class today?" His small, dark eyes met mine. I heard the principal scream out a late bell, but I held in my laughter.

"Well, no. I just didn't get much sleep last night and I've been a little unfocused." I muttered. Usually the teachers would accept my excuses. Mr. Garland looked down for a moment. He seemed to be processing my words through his head. "Alright, you may leave. Make sure you get a good night's sleep tonight, okay?" I nodded and quickly walked out.

As soon as I turned out of the classroom, I was stopped again. Lukas, the "king bee" of Jamesville High stood against the wall, laughing hysterically. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Didn't get much sleep, eh?" He said. "Poor baby,"

I rolled my eyes. I didn't understand his stupid sense of humor. "Shut up." I commanded. Lukas obeyed, but flashed me a big grin. His tan skin and messy black hair was so attractive, but I wouldn't let myself fall into his trap. 

"Why are you stalking me, Player?" I said, with a little grin of my own. "Why not? It's not like I have anything better to do. And player? Girl, get your facts straight. I am nowhere near being a player." I raised my eyebrows, but didn't say anything. I just simply walked around him and started towards my locker. Lukas grabbed my arm.

"What?" I said exasperatedly. He held up my iPhone, that had been in my sweater pocket just moments ago. How did I not feel him get it? I reached out to snatch it, but Lukas had already bolted down the hallway, opposite the direction of my locker. I groaned and began to run after him.

After many twists and turns, I caught up to him. I was a pretty avid runner. The only problem was that Lukas was much taller than me. He held my phone up as high as his arms could stretch. A devilish grin spread across his handsome face. "Come on, now! Get it!" He chuckled as I stood on my tippy toes and couldn't reach. I began to jump and push Lukas, but it was no use. I sighed and stood still.

Lukas looked at me. "That's all?" He made a puppy dog face (that by the way, was so ADORABLE!) and handed me my phone. "You're no fun, Ellen." I raised an eyebrow. "Well excuse me, but this isn't my exact brand of fun either!" We began to walk back down the hallway to my locker. I looked through my phone to make sure Lukas didn't tamper with anything, and I saw that he added his number to my contacts list. I blushed a tiny bit and shoved my phone into my pocket.


Sorry if it's really short! =.='

I'll try to write even more today~

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-Keep Calm & Listen To One Direction- 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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