LIT → Vixen

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tagged by → Emma1791

tagged by  → Emma1791

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1 → I am a Gemini

2 → I am music obsessed

3 → my favourite book (besides HP) is Room

4 → I have two dogs

5 →I love to write

6 →grammar is very important to me

7 →I like tacos

8→I'm what most would call a mutt due to my heritage

9 →I hate the title of this chapter

10 →I hate when people shorten words and say something like "cuz" if you do that I will hunt you down and shove a dictionary in your face

11 →I hope to be a writer when I'm older

12 →this is fact number twelve which is my one of my lucky numbers

13 →I'm a freshman and I'm awkward as h-e-double hockey sticks

tagged →

(I am only tagging five people because there are three of us running this account at the moment)

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