My Continuation Part 5 (Finale)

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    (Play when I tell you to)

    When Freda reached her history class a sense of relief had hit her, she was the only one there. She was lucky she was early, she forgot to do her homework due to searching for Margot. 

    Freda hurried over to her desk in the back and sat down. She pulled out her empty worksheets and started filling them out. Slowly people started to file into the room, taking up the empty seats until there were none left. Next, the teacher came and Freda quickly puts away the papers into a folder. She quietly listened to the lecture until class was over. Good for her, no homework was given out.

    As soon as the class was dismissed, Freda rushed out and ran to her next class. She dashed into the doorway of English class and unfortunately, Ms.Caulfield had arrived before everyone else. Ms.Caulfield looked over at Freda with a suspicious grin and said "Don't think I don't know about you filling out homework during class. I'm watching you Freda so don't try to pull any tricks. I could have you in the principal's office with a snap of my fingers." Freda looked down and replied, "Yes Ms.Caulfield, I won't do my homework in class." Freda then went and sat down at her desk. Suddenly, a bad feeling came over her but ignored it thinking it was just guilt from being scolded a minute ago. Like before, people came in and sat in their assigned seats. Ms.Caulfield passed around worksheets and went back to her desk. Freda did her's quietly and was the fifth person to finished. 

    The classroom door creaked open, Freda and other students turned their heads to look at the source of the noise. Freda's eyes widened, Margot was standing in the doorway. But along with her, was a knife. It was stained with a red substance that by the stain on her long sleeve, it was obvious it came from her wrists. Freda was shocked, if her nightmare was coming true then she knew what she'd have to do next. Margot pointed the knife towards her chest. She had tear-stained cheeks and sobs could be heard every few seconds. Freda wasted no time and ran to Margot. She roughly grabbed her wrist, the knife dropping from fear. Freda stared at Margot as tears started rolling down her cheeks. Freda whispered, "Please don't do this...I...I love you. I love you more than any than any other human in this universe. I hated seeing you so sad and it broke me when you went missing. And now that you're here I can finally say this. Please, please don't leave me ever again." Freda hugged Margot tightly as if letting go would kill her. Margot was shocked but then returned the hug. Tears of joy were spilling from both their eyes. "I...I love you too Freda. I promise not to leave again." Clapping and cheering could be heard in the background but to them, it was all silence. All they cared about at the moment, was each other.

    (Play it now)

    It was Saturday. Two days after the whole incident. Margot was at Freda's house and they were both telling stories in her room. "I can't believe you ACTUALLY kissed a frog, Margot! Gross!" Margot's cheeks got red with embarrassment, "Hey! I was four okay?! I believed it would turn into a prince!" Freda smirked, "I wonder how many times you kissed it before you gave up. Two? Three? Twenty?" Even though she was embarrassed, Margot laughed along with Freda. Freda laid her head down on Margot's lap, allowing her to play with Freda's hair. A thought then came to Freda's head, "Hey Margot! Remember THE day and you said you loved me. Well, I've been wondering. Before that day, we never even spoke to each other unless we were randomly partnered up for a project. So how could a wonderful girl like you ever like someone like me?" Freda looked up at her questioningly and tilted her head. Margot looked down at her and smiled, "Even before I really knew you I could tell you were perfect. I had heard you laugh, I had seen you smile, and whenever you came to school you always wore the best outfits that fit your personality so well. The way you doodled on your papers and played with your hair when you were deep in thought. The way you defended me when William was being a jerk always seemed so brave to me and I didn't know why. When I went missing, all I could think about was you. You were the only thing keeping me from ending it all. So thank you, thank you for saving my life, my hero." By now, Freda was in tears. She couldn't even talk from the shock of hearing those words.  Margot wiped away the tears and smiled, "You better close that mouth before you catch flies." Freda then came to he senses and laughed, "Sorry, I just didn't really think I could mean that much to someone." Margot kept a bright smile on her face and said "If I had known I would have ended up with you, I wouldn't have cared about the whole 'locked me in a closet for too long and I missed the sun coming out' event. If I got to stay with you, I'd wait seven years and more to see the sun and have summer." Freda then replied, 

"With you...Summer is every day."

    Freda then sat up and gave Margot a kiss. Then the lived happily ever after etc. etc.    

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