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i know who you are


that sounds creepy

i spoke to vik

he said your name was tobi

he also found a photo of you and him

you look so happy

ive been smiling at the photo all day

i hope thats not creepy

i just

it warms my heart to know that you are happy

wherever you are today

you can look back on yesterday and smile

sorry i missed you

josh apparently had perfect lighting so he wanted to get the shots before the lighting changed

its understandable

but he did tell me i could punch him because he stopped me from meeting you

i didnt even punch him

vik did

vik seems a lot happier since yesterday

he told all of us that he wants a group meeting with all of us

he has video ideas apparently

im sure they are yours

anyways, sorry for the spam

enjoy your day

i feel like im writing a letter

love, simon



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