Waves, Sand, and The Two of Us

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The moonlight cascaded over the steady waves, challenged only by the lights from the road opposite the shore. Jessica stared across the water, eyes focused on the horizon, deep in thought. Her shoes lay a couple of feet away, discarded in favor of burying her toes in the sand.
Balancing her chin on her knees she pressed her thighs against her chest, as if trying to collapse in on herself. The thoughts in her head tangled, Jessica had sought out the calm of the ocean to unwind them. She was still in her nightclothes, her black hair tied back in a messy braid in an attempt to keep it contained.
She jumped as the sound of a lone car shook her from her reverie, but didn't bother looking up as someone made their way toward her, taking a seat to her right.
"So, what are you doing here at one in the morning?" Jessica immediately recognized the voice, and couldn't help but let slip a smile. She hadn't expected Cameron to get here so quickly. "Your mom's really worried you know, you shouldn't make this a habit." His voice sounded tired and, as she glanced over, Jessica noticed his clothes looked mismatched and wrinkled, as if he had hurriedly thrown them on before coming to get her.
Her eyes traveled back towards the water and she let a silence fall over them, reluctant to speak. After a few moments she opened her mouth only to find the words she wished to say had escaped her. "Listen," he turned towards her, "If you don't want to talk we
"I'm afraid Cameron," she blurted out, her sapphire eyes meeting his mossy green ones. Tears began trailing down her cheeks as she spoke,"I'm afraid that one day I'll wake up and stop noticing all the little things I love about you. That, suddenly, I'll find that I don't" — her voice broke — "that I don't love you anymore." She was terrified of his response, dread growing inside her as her sobs were stifled by the warm night air.
   Her fear quickly disappeared, though, as she felt two strong arms wrap around her. "Look, I know that," he paused, unsure of what to say, "that it's hard on you, the divorce, especially since we're nearing the end of our senior year. But if you're always focusing on the what if's, you'll never be able to appreciate the here and now." He grasped her hand in his. "Does that make sense?" She nodded, wiping away her tears.
   They sat there for a few minutes, savoring the touch of the other, just watching the rise and fall of the waves. After a while, Cameron stood up and began heading back towards the road, voice taking on a more playful tone, "Now come on, we still have a test to study for." Jessica groaned, following his lead, "Kill me now."
They both climbed in the car and drove off, leaving the whispers of the ocean behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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