Letter #12

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I updated twice today :p OK guys before you read Cait and Josh's letters, I have a question! I would appreciate if y'all let me know what you think!

I am going to make my own creepypasta OC! But, I am not sure yet what to name her! Here are the name choices! Whichever gets the most votes wins!

Sadistic Unicorn
The Insomniac
Cait the Killer

Now, pick a name, and read onwards!

Dear bully,

     Why did you blame me? Now everyone is mad at me! One of your friends texted me, threatening me! You said I sprained your finger on purpose, but when you walked into school your fingers seemed fine. Why were you trying to frame me?

Dear victim,

Today was my birthday. I know you did nothing to me, but I felt like getting you in trouble. At home, my parents forgot it was my birthday. My friends didn't seem to even care. So getting you in trouble was my birthday present from you. At least someone got me something.

Love, Josh

Hey guys! Josh's letter is important. It shows that there is more then what meets the eye. A lot of people don't like bullies, and think they are mean. But often bullies, are also bullied themselves. Josh goes through rough times at home, so he takes it out on Cait. Next time you see a bully, stop them and ask if they are OK!

Dear Bully, Dear VictimWhere stories live. Discover now