Call me

27 4 0

"we meet again" the pretty boy next me said with a smirk on his lips

My eyes widened as i coughed out the smoke

"Park Jimin?"

"I told you smoking was bad for you" he said giving me the 'karma's a bitch' face

"And I told you you're not my da-" I paused for a second as he let out a chuckle

I don't know why but I have his feeling of wanting to punch him and squeeze his cheeks at the same time

"Whatever what's a person like you doing in a public place like this, wouldn't you get recognized easily"I said as I inhaled and exhaled the smoke without trying to die this time

"There aren't many people here at this time of the day plus I needed a place to get some peace and fresh air" he said sighing

"Well I don't know about the fresh air part but this place is great to calm some nerves" I looked at him and he had a kind of amused look on his face

"So your name is Hana" he said with a smile forming on his lips

I swear he looks so cute I just wanna pet him

"I wasn't spying on your conversation or anything earlier I just happened to hear it"

I mean what... No I don't..

"By the way hi I'm Jimin you probably already know that though.. "

Deep breaths Hana deep breaths

"We met last week outside near this bar a week ago do you remember me"

Ahh..  He looks so handsome how do people like him even exist..  Am I dreaming?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I noticed a smol hand waving in front of my face

"Are you checking me out?" He said and a smirk appeared on his face

He looks hot as fu-

"Who wouldn't- i-mean n-noo why wo-would I do that ha..ha"

my cheeks turned into a bright shade of pink as I realized I kept staring at him the whole time sheit

A round of applause for Hana everybody it's not even ten minutes passed since we met and she already embarrassed herself wow

"S-so a-anyways why're you talking to me I don't wanna die 'cause of your fangirl's if they see me breathing in your direction"

"Oh don't even look like a girl so you shouldn't worry about that" he said with a serious face

Oh no he didn't

"Say that again kid and imma cut you"

"Relax I was just kidding" he chuckled you better be

"but wait you're a noona?"

"21 you?" I said and suddenly he made a smug looking face oh no

"Oh I'm a year older so you should call me oppa" he pretended to be shocked

"Ew no we're not even close" I said turning my attention to my cigarette

"We will be soon" he said with a slight smirk forming on his lips

"Wait wha-"

"So anyways miss Hana seems like your advice saved me last time" he said taking a sip from the drink that was in front of him

"Wait that shit worked??" I was literally jungshooked

"Apparently" he said turning his attention to me

"Well seems like Mister Park Jimin here has a secret girlfriend... or a boyfriend perhaps?

"W-what no and no I don't even h-have time for dating I-i was j-just asking for a f-friend" he said with a flustered expression on his face

"Suuure you're probably getting the D more than I ever will in my life" I said trying my best not to crack up

He spit whatever was in his mouth at that very moment

"What? I'm just stating the obvious"

"H-hey!-" Jimin was cut off by Baekhyun

"Hana stop harrasing him"

"Okay MOM" I said as I rolled my eyes and put out the cigarrete between my fingers

"Wait.. you're not surprised by him being here??" I asked baekhyun in confusion and he looked chill as ever

"Nah..  He started coming here a lot lately as long as he doesn't make any commotion I'm okay with him"

"Also you two should get outta here we're closing" he said with the 'I don't give a flying fuck' face

"Welp guess it's time for me to head home cya later bacon" I waved at him as I stood up and headed out already feeling the fire from his eyes burning my back

As I opened the door and walked out I heard quick steps behind me followed by "wait!" I heard Jimin running towards me

"I didn't catch your number"

"I didn't throw it" I said with a resting bitch face

He rolled his eyes at my horrible joke

"please~" he pleaded with a cute expression on his face

"Only Yunhee's puppy eyes work on me"

"Come on~~"

"Look, firstly no you're literally a stranger secondly i wouldnt say our first impressions of one another were too welcoming third why do you even need my number??"

"I don't know i just like you"he said without even thinking twice

I sighed in defeat

"Okay fine whatever" I pulled out my phone from my pocket and gave him my number

"There can I go home now?"

My eyes widened when he wrapped his arms around me

"Thank you" he smiled like a little kid..  So cute

I turned slightly red as he chuckled

"Call me" he said as he broke out of the hug and winked at me

He laughed at my 'wtf man' reaction that I had as he bid me goodbye as he walked away

"This kid..  Ugh whatever I need to go home and sleep it's too late anyways"

I turned as I walked home this time not sleeping on the couch cause I ain't repeating my mistake twice, not today Satan

I brushed my teeth and plopped myself on the bed checking my phone for the last time to see if anyone called
"Ha.. why am I dumb enough to think anyone would call me at all"

I put my phone on the bedside table as I shoved my head in my pillow and suddenly my phone buzzed
*Message from Jimin*

Heyooo~~ it's me again
I sacrificed my sleeping hours for this so u BETTA BE ENJOYIN THIS 😢
as always the chapters are daily...  Cos I said so?

Anyways hope u enjoyed this chapter as much I did writing it *cough* *cough*

Hyko out ☆

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