Spirit Sticks! FRICK

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After everyone had settled down and the "teacher" had wheeled in his mop (which he is VERY territorial about BTW), someone had walked in behind us "Hey human students aren't allowed in the basement" the teacher said, that's when all eyes turned to the back, it was Addison. She started talking about someone barfing and the teacher left the room. That's when she turned to us "I'm really sorry, I wasn't gonna egg your house. I was trying to tell Bucky that it wasn't right, and I threw the eggs away I promise. They way you guys are treated is wrong, and that needs to change." Addison said. I stepped forward and said " His house has been egged every year since the start of Zombie town, and we always knew it was the cheerleaders. But know that could change, with you on our side we may never have to clean eggs up or scrub the spray paint off walls again. It is a new beginning for all of us for humans and zombies." she looked shocked that I didn't yell at her. "Thank you so much Y/N for understanding, I was afraid for a minute their you would go full zombie, and by the way all of you are invited to the pep rally" that's when Elizah stepped forward "Zombies don't do pep rallies" , Zed glared at her and said "We will try to come, don't know if we can though, ya know with the whole 'stay in the basement' rule." 

TIME SKIP brought to you by Bucky's Jazz hands

We somehow got Elizah to the pep rally and we were filing up the stairs when I got a glimpse of Addison through the glass door waving at us and our little group waved back, earning a glare from basically all the school. Before we even got to sit down the cheerleaders came out and everyone was cheering, well except for Elizah who still hates cheerleaders. Everything was going great until Bucky yelled for the spirit sticks, Bonzo started freaking out and both Zed and I were pushed to the ground, our Z bands started beeping and we both looked at each other and saw us turn into full zombies, we looked back to the performance and saw that no one was there to catch Addison! Both of us rushed forward plowing through anything and everyone to get to Addison to save her, we burst out from the stands and make sure we are in the right spot to catch her. When she comes down she lands safely in our arms, and we both tackle her in a hug glad she is ok. 

A/N- Hey guys, please tell me if there are any errors or anything you want me to add in that didn't happen in the movie. Your feedback is appreciated. Please Vote and comment!


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