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....BLUE'S   P.O.V.....

I was really feeling dizzy and strong smell of phenol filled my nostril.

Some abnormal sound were coming and it didn't took me to guess I was in hospital.

I don't remember anything  after what happen when I crossed that car and crashed on a tree.

I just remember my head bounced to and fro and  sound of glass smashing

I felt  my body was aching due to pain, I was damn sure I had some serious injury.

I tried to open my eyes but I was not able to open it, I felt like there was some kind of weight on my eyes.

I was aware that someone was seating besides me and sobbing.


"Mum!?" I sounded really weak.

"Oh my lord, you are awake!" and she squezzed my hand.

I winced in pain as she grabbed my hand.

" Oh sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" and she kissed my palm.

Her soft lips filled energy in my body. Her touch was really magical, every mother in this world knows how to reduce pain of her child.

The best thing in this world made by God are our beautiful mothers.

"I'm ok, Mum! But why are you crying ?" I tried to hide my pain. A mother can't see her child in pain because it cause double pain to her but yes they are Charles Xavier, who can read our mind.

"When you will leave lying?" and she held my hand near her heart, her heart was beating at really high rate as if it will just come out.

And then suddenly someone opened the door.

"Blimey, you are awake!" someone said loudly,  it was unknown for me and curse my eyes because I was not able to see anything.

"Yes, Doctor she just woke up few minutes away." my mom said still holding my hand.

"Well, its great she did well after surgery!" Doc said.

"Surgery?" I questioned.

There was pin drop silence. I got his feeling that something was really fishy. They are hiding something.

"Miss Blue I am going to remove bandage from your eyes!" Doc said.

I was really confused, then I reached my face and then I discovered that there was a bandage on my eyes.

" What are you talking about?" I said in desperate way.

A person came and holded me by my shoulder and helped me to sit.

Then I heard some sound of sharp objects near by.

" Everything is going to be alright!" my Mum assured me.

I really wished everything will be alright.

Then someone came near to me and told me to keep my head still. I did the same way as I was told.

Then someone came and holded my bandage and cutted it.

Then slowly , slowly he untied the bandage over my eyes.

"On my 3 counts open your eyes slowly, ok?" Doc told me.












And then I opened my eyes, very slowly, as I was told.

My eyes absorbing every light following on it but it was dark!

I looked every where but nothing it was .....



....LIAM'S  P.O.V...

My mind was really clouded with my thoughts and then suddenly I remember her face, very scared when she passed by my side

Oh here comes my home, sweet home.

I parked my car just infront of door, and jumped out from my car and didn't bother taking out my bag and camera.

I was not surprised when I saw my Mom sitting on the chair waiting for me.

I tried to be normal but it was clear from my lame walk that I was drunk.

Within a fraction of time she came near to me as I totally lost my control .

" There!" and she grabbed my hand.

"I always knew all women are not mean!" and I laughed  on my joke.

"You are drunk!" mom said trying to hold me .

" Yep, I guess I'm !"

"May I ask why?" she sounded more like worried.

"Yep, yo..you are the one with whom I can share everything! I...I just broke up with Ellie!" and I place my head on my Mom's shoulder.

"Why?" she place her hand on my head.

"She was cheating on me ....she was cheating on me with her ...with her high school buddy!" I felt my heart aching as I told my mom everything.

"Better we should go inside!"my mom was really perfect in changing topic and mood.

I just nodded and followed my Mom.

I just remember Ellie...Ellie, man I lpve her so much, oh God why love is so hard?

I was not able to remove her from my mind.

And then I passed away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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