Not Royalty My Ass

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Love, Kat


Chapter 6


"Are you fucking crazy? Get the fuck out of her room!" Most mornings don't go as loud as this one. Then again, most mornings you don't wake up with Noah Caster standing in the center of your bedroom with a Ludacris look in his eyes.

Sitting up, I look at the clock next to the bed, which reads: 7:00 A.M., in bold green letters. You have got to be kidding me; it's too early for this shit. My head weighs a ton, filled with dreams of bigger cities as well as the remains of sleep. I'm sure I look like crap, my hair a mess and my eyes only half way parted.

"What the hell is going on?" I yawn and reach for my phone pressing the home button. Immediately, the screen reads a bunch of missed calls from practically everyone in the universe including 7 from Noah.

"Why are you here? Kai, why is he here? Did I miss something?" Both boys are glaring at each other, tension as thick as fog. The thoughts of last night flood through my brain-waiting after practice, seeing Noah drive away with Farah, walking home in the rain, falling asleep with no one to even care. Suddenly my mood drops again and I am no longer struggling to stay away; there isn't anything that could make me fall asleep now.

"Oh." I note and look down at hands that have fallen asleep under the weight of my head. I get why he's here but I don't understand why he's here, in my room when he has the ability to see me at school.

"Ka-" he starts.

"Shut up." Kai interrupts him glaring at Noah in the meanest of ways. I take it Dad and Mom already left; this wouldn't go down if they were here.

"Kai, fuck off man."

"No, you fuck off. She already had it rough earlier yesterday and you just had to make it worst be leaving her stranded at the fucking school. Get the fuck out Noah!" My brother stands next to the bed blocking my view from the young Caster boy. When Kai's mad, it's really hard to get him out of that mood so I have no idea what to say or do right now. What I do know, is that Kai and Noah have to good of a friendship to fuck it all up over this.

"I have to pee." I whisper crossing my legs under the blankets as the feeling hits me like a wrecking ball.

They only glance at me before continuing to bicker.

"What makes it worse is you left her to fuck around with that girl!" Kai's words take a stab into both Noah and I, both of us wincing in unison. My shoulders deflate as I make eye contact with the brown hair boy himself who can't help but feel a little cornered at the moment.

"I already fucking know what I did Kai! You don't have to remind us! Let me apologize for a fucking minute without you standing over her like a watch dog!" Noah runs his hands through his hair in a way that kind of does something to help his situation on my part. I hate the fact that he's gorgeous.

Kai looks back at me. In fact, they both do like they are waiting for my permission to continue. "I just woke up...can I have a human minute to gather myself? Both of you get out."

Pointing to the door I wait for them move, but they don't. Stubborn assholes.

"Please leave so I can pee!" I holler, and after a moment of stillness, Kai is the first to move toward the door, Noah following not a moment later.

Rushing out of bed, I go to the drawer to look for sweats to pull under my t-shirt seeing how Kai would rather me not talk to his best friend in a long t-shirt again. While using the bathroom to empty my liquids, I take the time to clean up a bit. Quickly, I rinse my face and brush my teeth before pulling my hair into a messy bun.

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