Chapter 2: West-bound

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"You'll write every night?" Molly pressed, hugging Ginny tightly against her ratted, layered emerald cloak. Percy clucked behind them. "Alright,'ll write as often as allowed?"

"Of course, mum." Ginny sighed, giving her mother a brief squeeze. She was antsy to leave. They were standing in front of the house, on the cement porch. It was early, just almost six in the morning, so the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, and the cool morning air had a refreshing wispiness to it. The muggles in the neighborhood were either at work already, or fast asleep.

"And you'll tell us what's going on?"

"As much as I can," Ginny offered, pulling away. She looked slightly down to her mothers face. "I'm sure they'll be checking post, won't they, Percy?"

Percy agreed with a short nod. "No doubt about that. Now, please, mum, we really must be going..."

Molly's eyes shown as she looked up to Ginny, giving a short, sure breathe. "Well, Arthur. They really should be getting along now."

Arthur gave his only daughter and youngest child a tight hug, kissing her lightly on her cheek. "You'll be fine. She's a strong girl, Ginny is."

"I had to be, growing up on our mad house." Ginny muttered under her breathe, not at all feeling scornful. On the contrary, she loved her family more than he had loved anything else. Her family, including Harry. She lived him most of all. She wouldn't trade the past six years for the world.

"What was that, dear?" Molly asked kindly, a smile pasted on her face, but with a tight edge to her tone.

"Oh, nothing, mum." she have Molly a short kiss on the cheek. "I said growing up in our family made me strong."

There, Ginny thought. Not a complete lie.

Before Molly could reply, the screen door creaked open, and Hermione bustled out in pale yellow nightclothes. She quickly stepped up to Ginny and threw her arms around her, wrapping Ginny in a fierce hug. "You'll write?"

"Oh, for Godric's sake..." Percy muttered under his breathe, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Ginny smiled, returning the welcomed embrace. "You sound just like mum."

Hermione pulled away, a small smile wavering on her face, her frizzy curls - which she tried to bush into a ponytail - fell over Her face. "Ronald wanted to say goodbye as well, but..."

"No, I understand." Ginny said abruptly, lowering her eyes to the ground for a moment. She tugged at each individual finger to pop them. "I know he's-"

Just then, Ron fumbled with the screen latch and stepped outside onto the porch with Barr feet. He rocked for a moment, standing in front of the screens way as to not let it close. He smiled sheepishly.

"He wanted to get you something first," Hermione finished, her eyes shibin like Molly's at Ginny's surprise. Ron shoved a small loosely wrapped package into her hand.

"Take it," he said gruffly, his cheeks staining red. "Don't open it now, though. Open it when you need it."

Ginny nodded, pocketing the small package in her dark red day cloak. She gave Ron a short, tight hug before stepping away.

"All done with goodbyes?" Percy confirmed impatiently, unclamping his hands from in front of it. He motioned to the running car idly parked in front of the house. "We're on a bit of a time restraint here, people. And for the love of Godric, where is George?"

As if hearing his name, George materialized from behind Ron in the screen porch doorway. He was fumbling with his jacket, looking for a pocket to tuck his wand. "I'm here, I'm here."

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