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The sudden gust of cold air ripped me away from my sleep and into the world. I lay there daylight seeping through the windows, a warm body next me, and a tall shadow beginning to loom over me. shit. I sat up suddenly stiff with the realization of my current situation,  I was frozen in this moment of shock. My father stood over me his eyes wide, taking in the site. I was on my bed covered only by the edge of my blanket another girl is sprawled out next to me still under the warm protection of the sheets. It was clear to see that the actions leading up to this scene infuriated him. I watched as his eyes went dark, like my fragile little heart would be after this day. We put on quite a display for the frightened girl I had brought home.

Slipping under the sheets I got dressed my face turning a very bright red. I watched as my fathers jaw clenched tight his hands shaking with anger by his sides.

" Go now." he stated in a strong voice to the girl on my bed, and she left.

Fuck. As I watched her go as my mind flashed to images of my late mothers constantly bruised skin, my older brother's busted lip. It was my turn for the large fist to collide my body, to leave distorted purple stains on my pale flesh, to break the brittle bones that try and hold me together, it was my turn to visit the brink of death. 

A forceful knock at the door pulled my father to the shore. Like he had been drowning in anger, and them someone pulled him up for air. His hard glare never faltering he began to exit the room shoving his boot into my side one last time. 

"Coming!" He boomed at the persistent visitor. 

I drifted in and out of a conscious state as my house became filled with shouting. Blue and red lights filled my eyes as I am carried out of my house on a sort of bed. The last thing I remember before the empty darkness are the worried eyes of the girl who saved me.  


"Scarlett... hello?" A small gentle voice tried to pull me from my void of nothingness. 

A failed attempt to lift my heavy eye lids left me exhausted. I made an attempt to speak but my dry throat made words come out like jagged edges of a broken glass. " Um... H-hi?"  

A delicate hand clasped mine tightening around my fingers. She relaxed the tension in the air releasing slowly. "Do you remember what happened?" The hand moved to my shoulder and what should have calmed me down sent jolts of pain into my body, awaking my mind to the harsh reality. I had been caught, and I got punished for my love. I bobbed my head up and down a deep frown settling on my cracked lips. The tension had built itself back up again. "The police need to speak with you, are you up for it?" 

So badly I wanted to scream no, slip back into the safety of the darkness, but I had to tell someone, I had to protect my sister. Forcing my eyes open into a foggy squint I scanned the room for the officer. "I'm Ready." He nodded somberly and made his way the chair by my bed. 

"I'm Officer Darrell and you are Scarlett Browdy, right?" he opened a small notebook effortlessly reading the chicken scratch. 

"Call me Scar." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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