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Once Kaden and I got back to the house and ate he told me it was time for the surprise.

"Should I be nervous?" Kaden smiled that smile of his that immediately melted my heart.

"No." I nodded and followed him out to his car.

We drove for at least half an hour. Neither of us spoke and I realized silence has never been so comfortable to me. I leaned over the console and kissed Kaden's cheek.

"What was that for?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I just wanted to." Kaden smiled and looked back to the road.

Not much later we were at the place he was taking me to. Kaden opened my door for me and I took his hand in mine. There was something about touching him that made me feel safe. It was almost like as long as I have him I couldn't be harmed. I've never felt so whole with myself.

We walked into what looked like a wear house but by the time I realized how sketchy that was, we were walking through the doors. I looked inside the large room to see it filled with candles and Christmas lights. There was a couch in the center of the room and I noticed everything was decorated around it

I looked over to Kaden and he was waiting for my response.

"You did all of this for me?" Kaden nodded and began walking me to the couch.

"After you fell asleep last night I realized our relationship has skipped a few things. I didn't want you to miss out on anything. So, I planned our first official date." Kaden sat on the couch and I sat next to him but we were facing each other

"I know that over the last month we have learned most things about each other but now that we both know for sure we are mates I figured there were some things still unsaid."

"So you want to ask more questions like we did that day?" Kaden nodded.

"Yes, and I would like to point out that this may look suggestive with it being a couch but the plan was to get some peace and quiet. I just wanted to get away from the packhouse without being in public and I wanted it to still be romantic. I know it's not really a date but it was super last minute and I thought Jordan was going to kill me when I told him that I needed him to set this all up today." I laughed a little because he was rambling and it was cute.

We talked for what could have been hours and not a second was awkward

"How many tattoos do you have?" Kaden nodded

"Have you not seen them all?" I blushed because I had but I wanted to really look at the detail and know the story behind each one.
Kaden lifted up his sleeve first.

"This is a tribal tattoo that a lot of the males in my family have gotten because we descend from Native Americans. I liked it a lot and I grew up seeing it on my father and Uncle so I decided when I turned 16 that it was what I wanted." I traced the lines with my finger but pulled away when I saw goosebumps beginning to form.

"It's beautiful." Kaden smiled and then turned his wrist where I could see the smaller tattoo he had there.

"It's my wolf." He began to pull away but I grabbed onto his wrist holding it in place. It was a perfect replica of my wolf Tia.

"While I was gone I had a dream and I saw her. The next night I got the tattoo. I know it may seem premature or creepy but I felt the connection with her, with you.

"Her name is Tia and it's beautiful." Kaden's face broke out into a smile.

"Do you have any?" I shook my head.

"I'd like to get one though. I wasn't allowed to get one until I turned 18." I could see that Kaden got an idea by the way his eyes shot open.

"Let's go get you one. Tonight."

"Seriously?" Kaden nodded too quickly and jumped up from the couch. "But you set all of this up and we haven't been here that long."

"It's okay. If you want a tattoo I want to be there when you get it."

Kaden and I ran out of the building hand in hand back to his car. We were both laughing and for once I actually felt like a teenager.

The ride to the tattoo shop wasn't very long. But once I got inside the shop I suddenly l got nervous. I wasn't sure what I wanted to get and after I do it, it will be on my body forever.

"What can I help you with today Kaden, already back for more?" The man in the shop was covered in tattoos all of them being very detailed and different.

"Not today man, my girl here wants to get one." I reached forward and shook the man's hand.

"Okay well take your time to look around while I set up." We both nodded and I followed Kaden over to a wall.

"What do you want to get?" I grabbed Kaden's wrist and looked at his tattoo of Tia and I knew that I wanted a part of him to always be with me too.

"What if I got your wolf on my wrist?" Kaden ran his finger over the place the tattoo would be.

"If that's what you want I would love it. I have one picture of me in my wolf form so it will be much easier for Lance to draw." I watched as Kaden pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of a beautiful black wolf.

Before I could say anything Lance was back and Kaden was explaining to him what I wanted for my tattoo. We sat in a small room that was covered in all the different types of artwork that I admired while I waited.

As Lance drew Kaden's wolf the two boys carried on a conversation that made me quickly realize that Lance was also a werewolf. When he was done drawing he showed me it and it was perfect. I nodded and watched as Lance placed the stencil on my wrist. Not long after Lance was beginning to start and his attention turned from Kaden to me.

"So, tell me how did you meet Kaden?" I felt the slight sting as the needle touched my skin but I ignored it and carried on the conversation.

"I've known him pretty much my entire life. We grew up attending the same events and such because I was a future Beta and he was a future Alpha. Then we began going to middle school and then high school together. We didn't really talk until I tripped one day and he caught me."

"I guess you could say you fell for me." I laughed at his comment but decided to keep going with my story.

"Anyways, we became really good friends and then turned out we were mates. There's not a ton to the story because most of our time together was spent with my brother, at school, or bowling." Kaden held on to my other hand and squeezed it.

"We've been lucky so far because our relationship has been smooth sailing for the most part." Kaden leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I listened while the two men talked for a little longer before Lance told me he was done.

I looked down and the wolf was beautiful. I ran my finger over it gently not wanting it to be ruined.

"I love it, thank you."

"This one is on me, Luna. It was my pleasure to meet you and give you your first tattoo." I gave Lance a hug and said thank you again before leaving.

On the way out Kaden laced his fingers with mine "Now you really can't get rid of me."


Awe they have matching tattoos ❤️ I would honestly love to have a matching tattoo with somebody.  (I wrote this like 2 years ago and since then I have gotten a matching tattoo with my dad so that's fun lol)

This chapter is dedicated to @monochromemonotone who wrote His Moon. This book was super good and I loved the main character so much and the drama was amazing so go go go check it out.

So, my goal for reads last time was 20 and I got 42! I'm ecstatic you guys so my goal for the next five days is 21 and I think it'll happen. Super thankful for everyone who reads any of my chapters.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading XOXO

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