"Sigh,hope nobody here is werewolf i swear if ther any here AM GONNA"RINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"....... horrible school bell......,".a prefect said"GO! TO YOUR CLASES TIME FOR LESSON!!!!!!!!!!!" i said to my self "OUCH! that retard shouted until
My ears almost bleed.Well i guess its time for class now when i sat on my seat i senced a were wolf near I fucking BANG THE Freaking DESK FOR AT LEAST fucking 26 TIMES!!!!!!, the teacher ask me to stand because i wasent listing every body was whispering that
They hate this teacher and this was my reactionI had nothing to say before this happend when the teacher look at my face that was this👆 she was like
I know its a boy but its only that face that look like hers. Then she told me she I could sit down. A guy beside me the one sitting in the
Right side hit me with a crumpled paper.I took the paper and faced him and threw it back to him until he fall.When the teacher looked at me.When i turned back and looked at her she acted like she never looked at me.This chapter is finish go on to the next chapter.