by ~MCRjunkie1
Darkness fills the sky
Only the twinkling of stars and city lights glow within the gray clouds
But a silver full moon escapes the clouds' grip
Showing its beauty and power to the earth below
A gentle breeze crawls on my skin
Its cold air and bitterness attacking me
My only protection is his warm, strong arms
All we do up here is gaze into the stars
Up on a hill, in the dark
While his brown hair flows with the wind
My doll hazel eyes sparkle in the moon's light
Our story is like Jack and Sally
I loved him
He loved life
After watching so ever long, I confessed my love
Now we're together, now and forever
He tightens his grip around my shoulders
His feather-like hair tickling my face
The wind stirs up some stray flower petals
Red, blue, pink, and yellow dance in the air
I focuse on the colorful petals
Smiling, I'm in peace with my boyfriend
He's the Jack to my Sally.
This poam was written by my best friend Kelly. I really liked it and hope you did to. Let me know what you thought about it. Or go to to read more of her writing. Thank you for reading :)