Love is the Wind's Whisper

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Summary: It's Lucy's birthday and everyone was happy. Eh? Is Lucy somewhat acting strange today?

"Love is when the wind blows in your direction and tell you that there's someone out there waiting for you!" - Wendy Marvell

"Gosh, Natsu! It's been three months! You're getting fat!" a female voice sounded so teasingly happy as the pinkette entered the guild.

"How dare you say that yourself, you fat of a best friend!" Natsu growled at the female voice who was chuckling now.

"Oi! Don't you dare!" the feminine voice continued the banter.

"You don't dare!" Natsu replied almost instantly.

As you can see, it has been three months since Natsu was pregnant. Everything seemed to be getting in normal shape. The celebration for Fairy Tail's anniversary is almost there. Master Makarov was already back from the seminars and trainings (Wow, that was fast!) wherein he discovered the switching of guild administration from some of the top guild members. The Fairy Tail Guild Master only sighed in annoyance as he continued to check the documents which were presented to him. At least no major damages were made while I'm gone, the master thought. It was the least expected news, to be honest. But hearing this, Master Makarov felt a great shift of emotions from being annoyed to surprisingly effervescent. Juvia was still the Master's assistant, and she proudly do her work.

"Hey hey, you two..." Mira stopped the banter by waving her hands in front of the Natsu and Lucy.

"Huh?" both looked at Mira for a second. "Oh hi Mira!" Natsu greeted the Satan Soul herself.

"Hello Natsu. Hi Lucy! Have you two been at that earlier?" Mira asked as she continued to stand between the two mages.

"Nope. I just wanna have someone to fight with!" Natsu whined at the lack of vigorous fighting ever since he got pregnant. Lucy just rolled her eyes at the statement.

"And you chose me, of all people?!" Lucy snapped at the pinkette who just turned away. The blonde felt some veins popping on her head.

"Natsu, why not have a meal first? I'm sure you are hungry..." Mira offered so gently which made Natsu's eyes sparkle with joy as he nodded vigorously at that.

"Oh dear..." Lucy mentally slapped her forehead in this. Surely, some things will never change.

While at the bar, Mira, Natsu and Lucy were talking about something. Unfortunately, almost everyone gone out on a mission (including Gray) yesterday and they haven't come back yet.

"So, what do you want for your birthday, Lucy? It's tomorrow, right?" Mira asked the blonde who was busy finishing her smoothie. Natsu didn't even blink an eye as he continued munching on the food. Sure, he ate breakfast earlier, but look at how tripled his appetite was.

"Y-Yeah... But I haven't put too much thought in it yet." Lucy answered softly, feeling like she has been lacking something.

"But Lucy, you need to decide on this matter." Mira looked at the guild clock. "The rest of the Guild Members will be here anytime soon. That's what I heard from the Master."

Natsu's ears perked up at what he heard from Mira. "Really?! Gray-cherie is going home?!" the two ladies sweatdropped at the 'Gray-cherie' and sighed.

"Y-Yes Natsu... Isn't it weird that you call him that?" Mira tried to ask but Natsu shook his head afterwards.

"Nope. He loves it when we do sex..." Natsu was obviously blushing at his words.

"NATSU!" Lucy was feeling embarassed at the mention of the magic word. Mira just chuckled at that.

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