21. Falling

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A thin mist gathered around her ankles, sending damp chills up her legs. The soft pressure of a hand holding hers was the only thing she could feel. Blinking, she tried to focus her eyes in the darkness. Peros gazed down at her, despite everything he looked oddly hopeful. What could he possibly see in this situation that she couldn't.

A wail pierced the foggy air, Cassie and Peros tensed, looking around for the source of the cry. Fion collapsed in a heap, shrieking and crying. "I can't do this! I don't deserve this!" She moaned. Evander, who had been standing beside her, turned and kicked her in the side, sending her sprawling through the low mist.

"Idiot, you're as much to blame for this as any of us," Evander snarled.

Peros stomped over to Evander, grabbing him by the lapels of his jacket. "Don't," his voice low. Cassie was surprised to see Peros looking down into Evander's eyes. "My father ran these trials and survived, we mustn't give up."

"He told you what the trials were?" Fion moaned from the ground, still a useless pile of damp red dress.

"No, he didn't," Peros replied with reluctance.

"Then it is hopeless," Fion whimpered, turning her face into the mist.

"It's not!" Peros insisted. Cassie stared at him with uncertainty.

"What is there to be hopeful about?" Cassie asked, she wanted to believe him.

"We can do this," he spoke softly, staring into her eyes.

He was only speaking to her.

"I met a mortal today, with your blessing in her blood," Janus said. Reclining on a lawn of lush turf, he was twirling a flower in between his fingers. He never noticed how much he missed green grass and flowers until he was among it.

"I haven't blessed a mortal in centuries," a woman laughed, her voice rich and sparkling.

"She is the descendent of a family that you blessed close to a century ago," Janus held up the flower, and set it aflame, sending the blessing he'd collected when touched the girl.

She took the burning flower, cradling the flame in her large palms. "Oh yes, I had found her in your underworld." she murmured. "Tell me, how did she get there?" She watched the patterns the flame made as it danced in her hands.

"It seems she was summoned by a nymph, who intends to use your blessing for something," Janus replied, his voice was even and his gaze evaluated the woman who radiated heat, looking so tenderly on the little flame.

"I assume you've made her run the trials?" The woman said, her voice was harsh but her gaze still fixed longingly on the quivering blaze.

"For upsetting the balance, The mortal, her protector, the Nymph and his accomplice have been sent to run the trials," Janus pushed himself off the soft grass, and backed away.

"Just like you underworlders to act without judgement." The woman rose to full height, twice as broad and three times as tall. "When she survives, there will be consequences." Her voice thundered, darkening the bright day with black thunderclouds. "Back to your underworld, miscreant." She stopped a vast foot, the earth broke beneath him and he was falling.


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