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kyung-ho sighed. "sang-hyeok, wang-ho's in love with me."

sang-hyeok curiously raised an eyebrow. "is that a problem?"

kyung-ho groaned. "yes. it is. i'm in love with someone else."

"oh. who is it?" sang-hyeok asked.

kyung-ho went red. "w-well, he's been my best friend for years."

sang-hyeok nodded slowly. "ah, okay. good luck with him then."

and at that moment, song kyung-ho swore it took all of his willpower to not grab lee sang-hyeok by the shoulders and yell,

"when will you stop being so fucking oblivious, idiot? it's you!"


(a/n;; hades and his bride is planned to have 35+ chapters, my brain hurts and i needed a break :-) )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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