first kiss 💋😘

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Jimin Pov

Yoongi hyung still not talking to me,I want to say sorry to mina,I remember that day a confess to her


me and mina are in van,i talk to her

"uhmm,mina what do you want to tell me?"i said to her

"uhmm,forget that oppa"she said shyly

"okay"i said

"bty   you have something to tell me right?"she said
i remember that i was going to confess to her but jihyo interrupted us

"oh yes i was about to tell you that I like you myoui mina"i said
she shock because what i said,and she laugh

"why are you laughing minari?"i said to her

"stop joking jimin i know you didn't not like me because you still inlove with jennie"she said while laughing

"ya!stop laughing mina I'm serious i like you"i said but she still laughing

Mina Pov

I was laughing because jimin said to me that he like me,yes I'm happy because i like him to,
I can't stop laughing I don't know why

"nice joke ch-i didn't finish my word because he kiss me in my lips,In my Lips yes he kiss me in my LIPS
he broke the kiss and he smirk

"i told you I'm serious"he said with a smirk

"ya!you stole my first kiss"i said and pouted

"hahahaha"he just laugh

"but anyway I like you too chim"i said without looking at him

"i knew it that you like me soo~we are official now?"he whispered to me

"no where just dating"i said and he hugged me tight

>>End of flashback>>>

Jimin Pov

I'm so bored so I decided to go for a walk,I walking in the park when i heard someone

"ok guys i win,jimin and i know official!"someone said

my eyes widened and my tears start to fall,i wipe my tears and try to get strong,when jennie see me she shook,

"oh hi babe why are you here?"she said

"what to you mean your win?!"i shoute her while holding her arms

"ouch!!let me go jimin!"she said

"do you know that i hurt mina because of you!"i said

"i don't care on mina jimin,you hurting me!"she said and she try to let go,i was about to slap her but someone call me

"jimin!!!"someone said

we looked at her,she went to us us and i let go to jennie arms,jennie run towards to her friend

"what are you doing jimin?!"someone said

"non of your business"i said and sat on the bench

"are you lose your mind jimin?"someone said

"go away-

hi guys sorry for my wrong grammar and thankyou for voting my story😊bye bye see tomorrow💖

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