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an/ I forgot a minor detail that somehow affect the whole prologue, so I rewrote it. I'm sorry if this wouldn't be as good as the previous version. I was considering to continue writing it and making another book but I have so much on my plate right now. And I wanna give a shoutout to RosieManhattan for the book cover. x

Jade woke up to the sound of a phone ringing inside her hotel room. Still in her sleepy state, she blindly reaches out for the annoying object on the table beside her bed, answering the call from the front desk.

"Good morning, ma'am!" The brunette was greeted by the cheerful sound of a woman with a Japanese accent. "I would just like to inform you that the checkout time is at 8am. It's half past 8 and we've been- "

Jade immediately look at the clock to see if the woman was telling the truth. She quickly jumps out of the bed, cursing her phone for not being loud enough to wake her up.

"Fuck! How could they not bother to knock at the door to wake me?" Jade mumbles as she quickly works her way to the bathroom. "Stupid travel agency, stupid tour guide!"

The brunette didn't bother taking a bath as she quickly changes into her casual clothes, tying her hair in a messy pony tail and slipping on her shoes. She puts her phone inside her sling bag and dragged her luggage out of her room, thanking all Gods she had the sense of packing up last night before going to bed.

She breathlessly reached the front desk nearly scaring the woman whom she guessed was the one who called her.

"Do you know when those idiots checked out without making sure that every tourist that they brought was around?"

Jade groaned when the woman in front of her only looked at her cluelessly.

"Forget it! I'm checking out."

The brunette was scheduled to wake up at 6am for her 10am flight back home to South Shields. After being out all day yesterday, she immediately fell asleep right after packing her things in her luggage. She only has an hour left to catch her flight, so she quickly hailed a cab to take her to the airport.

A woman with stunning blue eyes and sleek blonde hair reaches inside her backpack to pull out her map.

"For fuck's sake it's too early to get lost!" Perrie curses as she struggles navigating through her map.

Looking around, she noticed something wrong with the place that she's in.

"Wait a minute, I'm supposed to be in Kyoto." She took a glance around her just to make sure. "Shit! How could I be so stupid?"

The brunette got out of the cab and took her luggage with her as she hopelessly strolls through the street, after realizing she would never make it to her flight. It seems like the odds are not in her favor for waking up late, getting stuck in a traffic and missing her flight.

Seeing a bench nearby, she walked in front of it and sat down, letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Consumed by her own thoughts, she almost didn't notice the blonde sitting beside her.

"Tough morning, huh?" The blonde said after seeing the petite woman beside her with a frown on her face.

"You have no idea." The petite woman answered.

"Well, what's worse than getting lost in a busy city surrounded by people who barely understands you?"

"I just missed my flight and now I'm lost like you." The brunette countered back, starting to get annoyed. "Could you top that?"

The blonde gave her a sheepish smile that was soon wiped off from her face when the brunette abruptly stands up from her seat.

"Wait! Why don't we work our way out here?" The blonde offered.

The brunette turned around giving the stranger an are-you-serious look.

"I don't even know you."

"My name's Perrie. Perrie Edwards." Perrie offered her hand for the brunette to take.

The brunette hesitated.

"Jade Thirlwall." Jade answered, accepting Perrie's hand. "Sorry for being rude. I was just pissed."

Perrie shook her head.

"No, it's alright. Totally understandable." The blonde answered flashing Jade her white teeth. "So, are you ready?"

"After you."

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