Chapter 1

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The pair started walking down the street with an uncomfortable silence between them, looking for a place where they could start planning their next move. The blonde wasn't expecting the brunette to easily accept her offer but she was glad that the brunette did.

After being stressed out from work Perrie decided to go somewhere on her own to clear her mind off things. She has been travelling by herself for almost a month now and she's been longing to talk to someone. Perrie didn't realize until now that she doesn't fancy not talking to someone for this long.

Now that she has the Jade with her, Perrie has been dying to know more about the brunette thinking it would be nice if they would get to know each other as they would be together for who knows how long.

"Uh, Jade?" Perrie finally said as she couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Yeah?" Jade says while dragging her luggage lazily.

"How did you miss your flight?" Perrie asked.

Jade huffed, "I was out all day yesterday. That stupid tour guide from my travel agency thinks it would be nice to squeeze in a two-day itinerary into one."

Perrie could sense that the brunette was still annoyed, if not mad, for missing her flight.

"I failed to hear the sound of my alarm that's why I woke up late." Jade added.

The blonde suddenly grabbed Jade's luggage from her grasp seen as the petite woman was taking out her frustrations on it.

"What are you doing?" Jade asked taken aback.

"Saving your luggage from further destruction. Don't worry, I'm not gonna run away with it." The blonde said, reassuring Jade.

Perrie stopped in front of a café gesturing at Jade to follow her inside.

"Let's stay here for a while and plan something." The blonde started. "Can I get you something? I'm guessing you haven't eaten breakfast?"

Jade perked up at the mention of breakfast. "I do not have much time to grab something to eat seen as I was already late." Jade answered shyly.

"Alright. What can I get you?" Perrie said, feeling bad for the brunette.

"Anything that's edible will do."

"Okay. Don't go anywhere." Jade giggled at what Perrie said causing for Perrie to smile wide.

As Perrie stood at the counter to order, Jade couldn't help but admire her new-found friend. Looking at Perrie, she couldn't deny that the blonde has a banging body, her soft-looking hair compliments her blue eyes, and her heart shaped lips makes Jade want to trace her finger on it.

Jade snapped out of her daydream when Perrie snapped her fingers in front of her. The blonde has been trying to gain her attention when she came back with their food.

"I'm sorry." Jade said shyly and Perrie couldn't help but smile at her adoringly.

"It's alright. Here, tuck in."

"Yes mam."

Perrie watched as Jade devours on her breakfast and the brunette would smile at her from time to time. The blonde noticed how a dimple would appear on Jade's left cheek every time she smiles. Perrie had to control herself not to pinch the brunette's cheeks.

As soon as Jade finished, Perrie motioned to a guy to clean their table then thanking the guy after doing so.

"How did you get lost?" Jade suddenly blurt out.

Perrie scratched the back of her neck before answering. "I was supposed to be in Kyoto since I wanted to visit Arashiyama, but I hopped off the train too soon, so I ended up here in Osaka."

"Why are you travelling alone?" Jade asked tilting her head.

The blonde had to catch her breath seeing Jade looking so adorable. "You see, being a journalist is not that easy. Yes, it was fun. I get to interview prominent personalities, get into exclusive events, and travel for free. I also get to have a look into different perspectives regarding different issues, intermingle with people and have meaningful conversations with them."

Jade is trying so hard not to smile as she was so amused by how talkative Perrie is.

"But I've had enough. I had a lot of deadlines to beat and I don't even know why my editor was always chewing my ass off. So yeah, I decided to take a break. Mam doesn't want me to go but I talked my way out." Perrie finished.

Jade bursts out laughing and upon seeing the confused look on Perrie's face, she ended up laughing harder.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Perrie asked. "Was my story funny?"

The brunette wiped the tears on her eyes before answering, "I'm sorry. I-It's just that you are so t-talkative you should meet my friend Leigh-Anne."

"Alright. Stop." Perrie said trying to look annoyed.

Jade straightened up, she does not want Perrie getting mad at her or she will end up finding her way out of Osaka alone.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Perrie says. "What about you, why are you travelling alone?"

"I'm a history student and my professor asked us to go anywhere we want and document that place's history. Since I've been dying to go to Japan, I decided to go here." Jade answered.

"I see. Did you get all the information that you need?'

"No." Jade says glumly. "I didn't even get to enjoy my stay. That stupid tour guide was always in a rush."

The blonde immediate feels bad for the brunette. It looks like Jade has been dreaming of going here and enjoy herself, but it ended up a disaster as she missed her flight and was now lost.

Perrie has a few more days before she heads back to South Shields and she wants to enjoy the rest of her vacation and go to Arashiyama, but she couldn't just leave Jade by herself.

An idea popped into her mind, but she didn't know if Jade would say yes to her for the second time.

"Uhm, Jade?" Perrie inquired.


"Since you didn't get to enjoy your trip, why don't we go somewhere?" Perrie said.

"But aren't you supposed to go to Kyoto?" The brunette asked.

"Nahh. I don't want to leave you by yourself." Perrie said, convincing the brunette. "And didn't I tell you I'm a journalist? We break news, not hearts."

Jade couldn't help but blush at what the blonde said.

"You are such a dork." Jade giggled.

Perrie stood up from her seat and held her hand out for Jade to accept.

"So, are you up for some adventure?"

"Count me in." Jade said accepting Perrie's hand and the blonde couldn't help but smile upon feeling Jade's hand in hers.

an/ I'm a journalist and Perrie is right. We break news, not hearts 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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