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it had been a week since jaedyn and richie talked to each other.

jaedyn hasnt had proper sleep in days, in fear that the clown could come up at any second. she couldn't stop thinking about the argument, how they were screaming back in forth at each other. they sounded exactly like her parents.

she looked like shit. she hadn't brushed her hair in days and she had dark circles under her eyes. she wanted richie to be there with her, and tell her that she was pretty no matter what, but she was pretty sure that he hated her guts right now.

she really wanted go pick up a bag of his favorite chips and go pour her heart out to him, but he wouldn't want to hear it.

richie was still angry that she sided with bill. she could have gotten severely hurt. he told her not to go in and she simply didn't listen.

he did admit, did go a little too far and he shouldn't have outed her personal business like that in front of the whole group. she was the only person that he cared about like that and if something happened to her, he didn't know what he would do with himself. he was the only one that she told about that and he was sure that he completely lost her trust.

bill, beverly, jaedyn, and stan were the only ones talking to each other. ben wasn't even answering her when she tried to talk to him over the walkie talkies.

she sat at her desk, drawing a picture of richie. when she missed someone, she drew them, it was something she did ever since she was a child.

she finished the final touches before she heard her name being whispered.

she whipped her head around. she opened her drawer and looked for any possible weapon. there she saw a knife, for some reason. she grabbed it and quietly closed the drawer.

she jumped as she heard a tap on her window.

heard pounding, she slowly got up from her chair and slowly walked over to her window with an iron grip on the knife.

"calm yourself, it's playing tricks on you." she whispered to herself, trying to control her breathing.

she quickly opened the curtains, fortunately seeing nothing there. she looked ahead and saw a mother and her child staring at her through her window, probably because she was holding a knife. she waved before closing them back up.

when she turned around, she was met with the cold yellow eyes of the clown. her breath hitched.

"what are you afraid of, jaedyn?"

she started to sob lightly and shook her head, muttering the word 'please' under her breathe.

"maybe you can float, just like your daddy."

seconds later, there was an ear piercing scream.

stan walked up her house, hoping he could see her. it had been a while since he talked to any of the losers.

it was awfully quiet. he held his walkie to his face. "jaedyn? you there? ...i'm outside. can we talk?"

nothing. he looked around and noticed that her bedroom window was wide open. he squinted his eyes and from the window, he could see red all over her ceiling. something's wasn't right.

wanna be yours | richie tozier ✔️Where stories live. Discover now