Give us a go

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It was a little way later must've been late February or early March, trudging around with Shanya and Kellin hoping to find a decent spot where we could sit down for awhile. The event in total was an hour so we had a bit of time to kill. Eventually, we found a spot on the grass that was relatively dry considering the snow weeks prior. We had a decent view of the stands and the water, considering we wouldn't be able to see what's actually happening under the water. I chuckled seeing the two Weasely's that I had come so close to in the past years peddling their Weasely Wheezers to innocent students. I sighed and rested my elbow on my knee and my chin on my hand, I haven't talked to them since the Yule Ball. So I guess I'm not that close to them anymore, which tugged on my heart to think about. "What're you looking at DaPrato?" A specific Slytherin leaned back asking.

I shrugged and laid down staring at the grey sky, "Just a few friends of mine."

"Talk to them," Shanya stated, I heard the grass rustle next to me, "If it's who I think it is, I know you miss them and they miss you," I shrugged staring that they most likely don't want to hear from me. She scoffed and shoved my shoulder, "For real though, The shorter one hasn't stopped staring at you in Transfiguration, and takes quick glances at you in Potions talk to them!"

Kellin shifted where he's at, "He also talks about you in Charms and DADA, it's cute don't get me wrong. But it's starting to get repetitive," I looked at him with a Really? look, "I swear to god DaPrato if you don't talk to him I will!"

I shook my head, "They most likely hate me at this point, I dropped them after the ball and kind of stopped talking to them cold turkey. You both know this is the second time that's happened since him. Isn't that a thing in like America or something? Two strikes then you're out? Plus whatever chance I had with Fred is unimaginable at this point because he fancies someone else," I shrugged.

Moments later I had realized what I said and my best friend was already leaning over me with a grin that could terrorize Salazar Slytherin himself, "CHRISTINA JO DAPRATO YOU'RE GETTING YOUR ASS OVER TO THEM, AND TALKING TO THEM!" She pulled me up by my hands with a shocking strength.

I groaned and steadied myself, "I'll talk to them at lunch, if not dinner. But I'll do it by the end of the da-" a loud horn had interrupted me, I watched everyone dive in and the final person fall in,"okay rude, but anyway I'll talk to them, if worse goes to worse I'll go after curfew and find them."

The crowd was deadly silent, I sat down slowly watching the water still hoping I could see something. 50 meters out about a figure shot up above the water and did a flip of sorts, "Nice," the current boyfriend of my best friend stated, I sighed and leaned back closing my eyes.

Opening them again, what felt like, moments later to see two familiar faces looking over me, jumping slightly I roll onto my side. The hat Mrs. Weasely sent me falling off my head, "Oh god, hi guys..." I stood up and fixed my glasses, and grabbed my hat, looking over to see my other friends missing, I looked at the twins in front of me. George giving Fred quick glances then looking back at me, "Did you two need anything?" George looked over at Fred, who then Fred nodded. Twin telepathy much?

He, Fred, took a deep breath, "Walk with me?" Hesitant at first I fell into pace with him, "Remember that note? From a bit before the ball?"

I nodded slowly, "Quidditch is fast, and Dragon's are too..." I trailed off at the end catching to what he was going on about, my heart speeding up, "It was you? Logan's about to get an earful from me... What did you want to talk about?" I had already started plotting on how I was already gonna kick his ass, my attention snapping towards Fred.

He gave a shy smile, which I've never seen him do. My heart sped up regardless, "Well remember what happened at the ball?" I nodded slowly remembering the whole platonic kiss thing, "Bullshit," I bit back a laugh. "I was going to tell you then but then I saw Logan and you talking. I told him about the little balcony... pretty wasn't it?"

I nodded my head and continued walking, "Soo... what now then?" The students were captivated in the stands, so we had the entire grounds to walk. He stopped, "Why'd you stop?" I looked at him.

He shrugged and grabbed my hands, "Give us a go?" A broad smile had stretched across my face. My heart spread up and I could feel my face heating up, I choked out a response.

"Give us a go..."

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