My first fight

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" You're a what???? " I asked almost chocking
" Not now Ocean I am busy."
She pressed a few numbers and the landline started ringing.I stopped listening to the conversation when a girl came up to me.She was very pretty with her brown hair and blue eyes. " Well Well Well look what the desperate half blood dragged in. " She said
" The one of the big threes child has nothing to say ." Hahah she laughed
Before I knew she threw a punch at me but I bearly missed it. I came back with a punch of my own and I got her in her little fake nose.She stumbled backwards but that didn't stop her she came running towards me she got her fists in the write position to het me back and much much more worse .She threw her first punch and got me in the face I could feel my eye straight to swell .I looked up when Anna was on top of that crazy girl. Anna threw punches and then drew her dagger from her back pocket and sliced her throat. Bold she turned into black dust . Still standing up for the girl she shouted " Get out of here NOW ! "

Ocean Anderson Where stories live. Discover now