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      "Dammit, Lucy! What were you thinking?!" Natsu shouted as the two entered the blonde's apartment. She groaned.

      "If all you're going to do is yell at me, why did you follow me home?" she asked as she toed out of her shoes, sighing with the relief she felt.

      "Because we need to talk about that crazy stunt you pulled today! You could have gotten yourself killed!"

      "Oh, stop being so dramatic, Natsu," Lucy said, rolling her eyes. "Besides, you're always doing crazy things."

      "Yeah, that's because I know how to keep myself alive!" he yelled, glaring at the back of her head with his fists clenched at his sides. He saw Lucy stiffen.

      "Excuse me?" She slowly turned to face him, eyes narrowed. "Are you saying you don't think I know how to take care of myself?"

      "Oh, come on, you know that's not what I meant!"

      "Yeah? Well it sure as hell sounded like it!" Lucy shouted.

      "All I meant was that I've been doing this longer than you have. I have more experience and know how to get out of certain situations. Besides, our powers are completely different! You summon spirits to fight, while I fight with my own fire."

      "And that makes me weaker than you? I'll have you know that I have saved your sorry ass many times, with or without my spirits!"

      "It hasn't happened as often as you seem to think it did! Besides, you ran out of magic power today, so clearly you couldn't handle things on your own!" Natsu's words seemed to just act as gasoline poured onto an already raging fire.

      "Screw you!" Lucy yelled. "It's not my fault I had to try to summon two spirits at once! Had you not gotten on top of that mutant crab-thing, you wouldn't have gotten motion sickness! So not only did I have to find a way to get you off of it, I also had to keep myself from being attacked as well! You're welcome, by the way!" Lucy seethed. The job seemed simple enough, but when they had arrived, they found that the 'crab problem' that was explained in the listing was not a bunch of crabs in a city, but a gigantic mutant crab that seemed to have taken over the town as its own. They had been doing well enough, until Natsu tried to attack it from above. However, a leg of the crab had swung up and knocked him out of the air, the dragon slayer landing on the top of its shell. It wasn't long before he turned pale in the face and curled into a fetal position in hopes of calming his stomach. And so, with Loke already fighting by her side, she had to summon another spirit to help Natsu. She had been practicing well with summoning more than one spirit, but after such a vigorous fight, she was already left low on magic power.

      "It's not like I tried that! I was just fine where I was!"

      "You most certainly were not!" The two continued to yell at one another, having never had such an argument before in all the years they were partners.

      "What did you expect your whip to do after your spirits had to go back to the celestial world for healing and you were drained of power?"

      "It was all I had left!"

      "You could have gotten out of there! I could have handled him on my own!"

      "That's not how we work, Natsu, and you know it! We fight together until the end, no matter what!"

      "Not when your life's on the line! That crab almost killed you!" With only her whip that Virgo had given her to fight with, Lucy was not left with much other choice. Yes, she could have fled to a safer area, but she was too determined to fight. She latched the whip around one of the crab's large legs, and when it raised it's claw, she was pulled up along with it. While in the air, she had found the strength to pull with all her might, managing to rip off the leg of the crab. However, in her moment of victory, it's other claw found her and grabbed hold of her, squeezing her body tightly and slamming her into the ground. Natsu, having been preoccupied elsewhere, saw this and his blood boiled white-hot and he found himself unable to control himself as he unleashed everything he had left onto that crab, getting it to release Lucy and ending it once and for all. Luckily, the injuries she endured were healed quickly once they returned to the guild hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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