Chapter 22

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sorry for the long wait my fault not maggie's.


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love maggie and Aki

( Aki's POV)

We had been driving for hours it felt like .All i wanted was to get away from Mac and Maggie for a little while. i mean i still loved her but some times she just acted so immature,I was upset with her because i felt like ever thing was a joke , and let me tell you being tied to that  @$$hole Mac wasn't funny. i hated that b#tch since the first  time i met him. He just gave off a bad vibe.

i must have fell a sleep from the long ride because when i woke up it was dark outside the window and the car had stopped. i turned to Blair only to see the seat empty. i look around to only see him stand in front of the car that parked next to a giant warehouse. He's about 10 feet away from me but i had to struggle to see him in the darkness.

why you ask..... because  dumb@$$ was wearing all black .

He had on a black t shirt with black jeans and some black converse. I wondered when he changed because this was the outfit he was wear when we left the house .

As i watched him i saw some one move from in front of him . i see Blair's his hand waving up and down like he's yelling. Then who ever was in front of him pushed him , i saw Blair stumble a little before he jumped on the person before him.

i open the door to the car to run to his help. i jump on the guys back that i don't know to pull him off Blair.

as i lock my arms around his neck putting him in a choke hold i start to pull him back. As the guy allows me to drawl him away from Blair . i happened to look down. Only to stare in disbelieve , i forgot the person that i had in a choke hold until i feel him tap my arm trying to get my attention. i looked down at the person i held to see Blair.

i let go and stand back to stare at both of them.

"i'm giving you 5 seconds to tell me what the f#ck is going on before i start killing you lying f#cking @$$ , " i say as i stared at the two guys in front of me.

"babe i understand your upset but just listen " says Blair.

i shake my head " first don't babe me and you better hurry to explain 3 seconds more" i say as i fill my finger nails start to extend from my anger that i was trying to battle with in.

"it's like this , your one of the most powerful female's because your dad is the head of the counsel and with you and Maggie bonded has her tied to that power she was to be your beta female but when you bit her it just f#cked everything up .So Mac thought that if he bonded with Maggie he could control both of you ." says the man in black.

i shook my head i know i was missing something or they weren't saying it all ." that doesnt explain sh%t " i said to them as i start to stock toward them .

"i'm give you one more chance , then i start to kill" i say as i look to Blair " if bond or not do you understand me. so tell me everything , no more lies or hiding shit i want everything out  now" i say in a commanding voice.

i see them look at each other before they turn to me.

"It started like this , when you changed or shifted you became a target , your heat made maggie going into heat she is synced to your cycle because she is your beta, when you marked her you increase the Pheromones in Maggie that will attract stronger males as mates like alpha's.With ever thing that's happen to stabilize you and Maggie you need 2 mates each , " says Blair as he looked at the ground.

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