⭐️Chapter ten⭐️

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 'Y/n, wake up, we're in LA' someone quietly wakes me. I slowly flutter my eyes open. 'Oh yeah, thanks' I smile at Scott. He's so dang cute, wait, what? 'Please stay seated until the plane has come to a complete stop, thank you' murmurs a voice over the speaker. 'How was your flight?' I ask him,  he smiles and says 'it was good, although I was mostly sleeping, yours?' 'What flight?' I laugh. 

✨timeskip brought to you by pixies✨

'Were do you want to eat guys?' Lizzie asks. 'McDonalds' Joel replies, beaming at Lizzie. 'McDonald's it is!' 'Oh okay.' I turn to the rest of the group who are chatting about the flight. 'According to Lizzie and Joel were having McDonald for lunch.' I inform them. After a quick chat, I turn my phone of airplane mode and check Instagram, strange, Lizzie tagged me in a photo. Of me and Scott, on the plane, and my heads on his shoulder and his heads rested on mine. Oh shoot.

LIZZIE! I take a look at the comments and fair to say, it's a very mixed opinion. Some hate like 'ew', 'b***h', and 'stay away from him/her' but some people were positive saying 'cute', 'omg adorable', and 'new otp.' Which was good. But I'm gunna have to get Lizzie to take this down. 'Lizzie?' I ask as we try and find a taxi. 'Uh huh.' 'Y'know that photo?' 'Which photo?' Lizzie taunts. 'You know what photo smart ass.' 'Hey' 'please take it down.' 'Why?' 'Have you seen the comments?' 'No.' 'Exactly!' 'Hold on, let me look and ohhhhh.' 'Exactly.' 'My fans are brutal.' 'Yup.' 'But I'm still not deleting it.' 'This is bullying' I say as I walk towards Callum.

'Callummmm' I complain. 'Yes (nickname).' Lizzies bullying me, she put a bad photo of me on Instagram and won't take it down.' 'So I'm guessing you want me to ' 'pwease.' I childishly beg. 'Lizzie, take it down.' 'Aw, that's no fun.' 'Neither is bullying.' I complain childishly.

✨timeskip brought  to you by squirrel girl✨

We get to the hotel, and hell its fancy. The room is massive....

 The room is massive

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And I have to share a room with Scott, great. The bathroom is amazing though, hotel bathrooms always are.

I unpack my stuff and get a text from Lizzie

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I unpack my stuff and get a text from Lizzie

L= Were going out for tea to a fancy place, tell Scott as your sharing a room😘😘

Y/n= screw you.

'Scoot we're going out for tea..' 'Okay, never call me that again. Ever.' Suddenly I get a text from an unknown number,

Unkn=  I know your in LA, and so am I, your mine, not that Scott guys.

I ignore it, not wanting to deal with but, I am fairly frightened. Is it Rob? I just hope not. I must look worried as Scot asks 'Hey, you okay?' 'Um yeah, sure.' He must have not believed me as he whips the phone out of my hand. 'Who's this?' He asks. 'I don't know' I reply feeling guilty. 'Oh, well, don't worry, you'll be fine as I'm here.' 'Thanks Scoot' I laugh as he gives me a death glare.

TRIGGER WARNING (ABUSE, SEXUAL ASSULT, MENTAL HEALTH, SELF HARM) 'Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how long were you dating?' He asks. 'A good 3ish years, of hell.' I reply. 'What do you mean?' 'Oh shoot, err nothing.' Well done twat, you've done it now. 'What did he do?' 'Nothing.' 'I don't believe you.' He took my hand lightly. 'Y/n you can tell me, honestly' he whispered softly. 'Well, to start of with, he just started getting annoyed easily, but then it evolved into anger, which evolved into violence. He wanted to do things in bed I felt severely uncomfortable with, I started developing anxiety and getting more and more agitated. I ended even harming myself at points. Every time I tried to end it, he slap me. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't reach out to anyone because he hurt me, and I... I *sigh*.'

'Y/n, I I'm.. im so sorry, i, does Cal know about it.' 'No' I sigh. 'You need to tell him.' 'No I don't, and you don't need to either, promise me you won't....' 'y/n, I have to tell him...' 'god dammit...'

Anyway, there ya go, and ouch. Sorry to hear all that. But YOUR SHARING  A ROOM WITH HIM. Oooh, anyways

I love you all, eat, drink, and don't hurt yourselves.

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