Chapter 3

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 About 30 minutes later we were still in the car. I was starting to get impatient and claustrophobic. "Jimin, how much longer do you have to drive?" I asked on the verge of panicking. "Don't worry. Are you okay?" "Yea. I-I just c-cant be in a car for v-very long. I get c-claustrophobic." He looked at me as I started to fiddle with my fingers. He slowly caressed my thigh assuring me I was okay. "We're almost there, baby." I froze when he said that. Since when did he do that? We were quiet the whole time after. Then we arrived in a large parking garage next to a large building. It was beaming with lights and music. My eyes widened in shock. This was a whole new experience for me, considering I never got out much. He parked the car and we began walking. As I got closer I saw there was a huge line of hundreds of people waiting to get inside. 

 "Stay close." He growled and walked in front of me. About half way I noticed that every time I looked back, there would be the same man watching me in the distance. I started to feel uncomfortable and as soon as I saw him again, I closed up on Jimin. We were almost there until I felt a pair of arms forcefully pull me from behind, causing me to gasp, turning me around to the same man I saw before. Jimin turned around to the man and I. "Hey beautiful." the man muttered, slurring his words indicating he was drunk. "Let go of me!" I shouted, catching the attention of multiple people. He pushed himself so close against me, I could the smell the alcohol in his breath. As I started mentally freaking out, I realized he was going to kiss me. Confidence swept over me as I thought, 'Oh hell no, I'm not wasting my first kiss on some drunk bum.' I slapped him straight across the face.

 Jimin's eyes widened and the man was angry. His grip tightened, leaving marks on my arms for sure, and I winced in pain. Jimin noticed and pulled me away. He turned around and all I heard was slap of skin on skin and the gasps of multiple women as Jimin dragged me out of the crowd. I turned my head to see the man lying on the floor holding his face. I was in shock as Jimin pulled me into the building and into an empty kitchen. He was upset, or frustrated in some sort of way because his face was red and his hands were balled up into fists. When he made sure we weren't followed, he turned around avoiding any eye contact with me. 

"I told you to stay close to me." He boomed, making me flinch. "Well h-how was I s-supposed to know he w-was going t-to grab me l-like that?" I murmured as I began to shake. "You should've told me he was watching you." he yelled, letting his anger go. My eyes began to tear up. "I noticed at the last minute! You should've thought twice about bringing some like me around a place like this!" His fists unloosened as he looked at me. "And why do you think I don't go to places like these? Im not stupid Jimin. Things happen to people here and I was this close to being one of those people." I sighed, covering my face as I turned to walk out. He quickly pulled me back in and held me close. "I'm sorry. I was just upset at that man when he didn't get the message. I shouldn't have lashed out like that. I just didn't like how he was touching and hurting you." Bad boy gone soft?  I wondered. 

"It's okay Jimin." I replied as he softly smiled and took my hand. "Let's get a drink, yea?" he asked as he lead me to a fridge. "Are you a beer or vodka person?" he asks opening the fridge after pulling out two small glasses from a cupboard.  "Neither." I replied and he turned around bobbing his head to the side. "Yikes. Seriously? You don't drink either? No wonder why you don't have a boyfriend." "Hey!" I said playfully punching his arm. He laughed and poured a small bit of a clear substance of what I assumed was vodka, in the small cup. "Here try it." he said, handing it to me and pouring himself some as well. I smelled it and it smelled like a strong mix of alcohol and some modified flavorings. He took a sip of his as he waited for me to try mine as well. I drank some and other than the fact that as soon as I swallowed, it burned the living hell out of my throat. It tasted quite good. I coughed a bit and he smirked pulling me onto the dance room. 

The music was blasting so loud my ears went numb and the lights were flashing so fast it looked like colorful lighting. "Run off but stay close enough that you can hear me." he said as if he was talking to a child. "Oh! I love this song!" I shouted as my favorite song came on called Heart Shaker by Twice. I squealed as the song started and he sat at one of the near by couches. I put my drink down and began to dance. Others soon joined in and our moves began to synchronize together.  He watched in awe as people gathered around us to watch us dance. Once the song came to an end he stood up and started at me while I got off and ran to him. "Did you see that? That looked so cool! The way those people knew what to do! I just let go and did what I did! That was so awesome!" I shouted as I began to jump up and down like a little kid from the excitement. He was smirking at me the whole time I had my little freak out.

"Okay, okay calm down cutie. You're gonna break a heel. Let's go get you relaxed for next time." he said as he held me down. We were gonna walk to the kitchen again until he realized someone he knew was at the door. His face went hard and he pushed me into a near by room. "Jimin what's wrong." I asked as he peeked through the door. "Jimin?" "Nothing. We have to leave, baby. Come one let's go." he said about to grab my hand but I pulled back. "But I wanna stay some more, please. I don't wanna go Oppa please." I begged not realizing what I just said. Once I realized it he had me up against the wall with his face only a couple inches away from mine. "Don't make Oppa mad babygirl. Be obedient and do what he says the first time or else Oppa will get angry. When I say we're leaving, I mean we're leaving and that's that. Understand?" I nodded politely and he lead me out. 

"We're taking a short cut." he said as we cut through an alley way. The deeper we went in the darker it got and the music began to fade away. I got scared knowing these places were never safe. I slithered my arm around Jimin's and he hesitated before he held me closer. We heard a loud bang behind us and another. I shut my eyes tightly as I heard another, this time it was in front of us. A group of boys not that much older than us jumped from behind dumpsters, two holding chains and others in black masks. "Jin." Jimin said sternly staring at him as if he was going to kill him. "Jiminie!" the oldest looking one, I assumed was Jin shouted, startling me. I jumped and he eyed me closely. "Who's this pretty little gem you have here?" he asks getting closer. Jimin tensed up and shorter guy with a deeper voice said, "She shouldn't be out here in a dress like that." "Shut up Yoongi." Jimin shot back. Yoongi took off his hoodie and mask revealing his pale complexion and brightly mint colored hair. He paid no attention to Jimin and looked me up and down. My grip tightened and I whispered, "Chim, can we leave now? I'm scared."  He nodded understandably and turned to Jin again. 

"Its been a nice family reunion guys but I have some plans to attend to so we have to go." "Lemme guess, you're plans are to go with her to that club right?" A slightly taller man said. He looked the youngest out of all of them. "If you care about her that should leave her with me? I promise I'll keep her safe..." he said removing his mask. I loosened my grip as I stared at his face and body structures. From what I can see, they were all very attractive. Jimin got impatient and growled, "I don't think so." "Oh come on, after if you get too carried away, anything could happen to her. She could get hurt. She could even end up in someone else's home." another said. He was slim but muscular and he had reddish orange hair. "She'll be fine Hoseok. And no Jungkook, she could end with all of those if she's with you. Maybe worse." Jimin butted in and that made me latch onto him again. "And we are leaving now." he added attempting to walk away. "Unfortunately." Jin said as he looked at the two boys behind us. "You know, people who come into this area always leave empty handed." he said, referring to me. "Oh really I thought you did that for fun." he muttered. "The only fun we'll be having is with her." another said. 

Him and the one next to him and everyone else began to crowd around us. My confidence kicked in when Jungkook came behind me and snaked his arm around my shoulders and neck. "Hey baby." he whispered in a husky voice, "Wanna come have some fun with me?" That was it. I elbowed him straight in the stomach. He fell on his knees as he groaned and gasped for air. Everyone backed off immediately. Once the boy finally got off the floor, I backed away and Jimin checked his watch. He smirked and his eyes turned cold. He dragged me away to the end of the alley and I saw a faint outline of someone walking out of building. I immediately knew who it was. Now all the pieces were falling into place. 

Is It Her?//Park Jimin x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now