First day away from home

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Anthony reached over and held my hand, our truck was full of clothes and whatever else we brought with us. We were moving to, Kingston. We were both ready to leave, start our lives. My collage was also in, Kingston. We were just getting into our little neighbor hood just outside the big city. We pulled into the drive way of our new house. It was a three bedroom, two bath, good size kitchen and living room. It had a small basement. Anthony put the truck in park, I got out of the truck and pulled the house keys out of my coat. I took a deep breath and unlocked the door.  Anthony came behind me and kissed my shoulder, I pushed the black door open. The living room was to the right, it was grey. Well most of the rooms had a white/Grey/black theme. We bought the house with all the furniture still in it. I took my boots off and walked through the living room, to the left was the kitchen. There was a little hall between the kitchen and living room. On the right was a smaller bed room, it was grey and all the bed room furniture was whitish. Beside that room was another small room just like the one before it. At the end of the hall on the left was the master bed room. Which was huge. It had a big closet, a nice size bathroom. We walked back and checked out the other bathroom which was on the left.

For about 5 hours we brought our clothes in and put them away. We brought in our bedroom boxes which had a tv, ps4, our blankets and pillows. Pictures, and other stuff from home. We brought in the other pictures for the living room. We brought in a few kitchen boxes, which wasn't much. A few plates and forks. We finally brought in my 60 gallon bearded dragon tank. We put that in the living room.

For dinner we just ordered pizza, and watched tv in our room.

The first night was uncomfortable. We both tossed and turned. I spent most of the night awake and walking around. Anthony fell asleep and laid there snoring. While I was awake I set up the wifi, and laid on the couch.

My eyes became heavy and I finally fell asleep.

~Anthony's Point Of View~

I rolled over and looked at my phone, it was 11:30am. I rolled out of bed, and made my side of the bed. I put on black track pants and a tank top. I put on deodorant, and walked out of the room and down the hall. I looked on the couch,

Katt was passed out cold, her blonde hair was all over her face. I knew she didn't fall asleep till some obscene hour last night. I leaned over and brushed her hair out of her face and walked back to the kitchen.

I quietly made myself breakfast and something to drink. I sat at the kitchen island and ate. I looked over as I heard her roll off the couch. She walked over and leaned into my arms. I kissed her forehead,

"Good morning my gorgeous baby"

She smiled and put her head on my shoulder and yawned,

"I barely slept, Jesus Christ"

I wiped my hands on my pants and put my arms around her,

" I know you didn't, that's why I didn't wake you up"

She stood up and moved her hair out of her face, she walked over to the fridge and grabbed the old pizza. She stood there, with the fridge open, eating the pizza. She looked over at me,

"What I'm hungry and you ate the last piece of toast"

I smiled and stood up, I washed the plate and put it away. I wrapped my arms around her as she finished her pizza. I held her tightly,

"We're home. Just us. Just you and I. No more nagging parents. No more bitchy family."

She kissed my hand,

"It doesn't feel real"

I turned her around and held her hands,

"It won't for a little while, baby"

She smiled softly and put her head on my shoulder. We stood there for a few minutes before she pulled away. She yawned and walked to our room. I followed her, and flopped on the bed turning the tv on. I looked through the bathroom door and watched as she ran a bath. I looked away as she undressed and slid into the bath. I watched my show as she bathed.

After an hour or so she got out of the bath, dried off, got dressed and came into bed with me. She curled up on my chest and fell asleep again. I brushed my hands through her wet hair.

This was home. This was what we always wanted

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