Sunny: that was amazing yesterday Caroline.
Caroline blushes but then she thanks diana and Sirius and pats both of the pixies heads
Caroline: if it wasn't for you guys coming here and helpimg us gain stronger power then we wouldn't be here, alive and in good shape
Everyone laughs and the door knob starts to turn
Lunar (sunnys sister): sunny and Carolin, dinners ready!
Diana and sirius hide and caroline runs off to enjoy a delicious feast while sunny walks with lunar to the dining room
Lunar: so, did luna get a boyfriend or something?
Sunny: I'm not absolutely sure if she did, you know how shes like.
Lunar: hmm, seems like finding the right man is really a challenge...
Sunny sits down while luna give them their plates of food and sits down with her plate of food
Sunny: should I tell lunar? I feel like its the right time, or at least I think it is.
Sunny taps her finger on the table and eats nervously
Lunar and Caroline: are you, erm... Ok?
Sunny: oh! Yeah I'm totally fine, never been better.
Caroline shrugs at lunar and lunar makes a "shes crazy" sign at sunny
Sunny: so, um... This nay sound weird but... IM A PRE-
She gets interrupted by a blood curdling scream and runs to her room to transform without any witnesses
Caroline: hey, wait up!
Lunar is confused but chases after them and they both go out the window with their pretty cure magic enhanced in and on them
Lunar: w-what!
Lunar is irritated but also scared at the same time
cure opal: bright and light but creative and colorful! I'm cure opal!
Cure flame: fire can emerge from anything, my fire is passion and generosity! I'm cure flame!
the flare monster is made of jello and he shoots a jello boomarang at cure opal without her knowing it was a boomarang
Cure opal: what a bad shot!
She prepares her heatwave but it's too late! Shes already been caught in the gates of jell
Cure flame: eat this!
She uses her fire fox but no luck... The flare monster made a big hole and the fire fox burned out!
Flare monster: he makes gibberish sounds but he says jello dry!
He purposely aims wrong and it hits a building
Cure flame: what kind of bad luck do you even feed off of, like your horrible at this!
but the dried jelly breaks the building and cure flame doesn't notice she's about to get toppled!
Cure flame: Fire fo-
she gets stuck between a little bit of space tries to calm down Then she still has her phone and it starts to ring and its her crush jake!
Cure flame: maybe I can use this opportunity to let my crush save me! I don't care if he doesn't reconize me or not I just need help!
She answers the call and tells him she's in deep trouble
Jake: oh no! You are? Well sadly I cant go, I'm at the hospital right now and I cant just leave. Maybe I can send mai!
Cure flame: mai? But, why?
Jake: she's a secret superhero named cure light and she can probably save you!
Cure flame: oh, well hope you get better soon and send her to me because I'm almost dead and sunnys almost dead to so place call her quickly and send helppp
Jake: will do!
Cure light quickly comes in about 3 seconds and helps cure flame get out of that small air tight space
Cure light: oh, hey! I know you, your that girl named cure flame
Cure flame: enough chit chat we gotta city to save!
They help cure opal out the jelly and cure light uses a attack!
Cure light: soul light bond!
The jelly monster gets filled with positive energy and explodes!
Evil villian: curse you pretty cures! The next time we see each other again, you won't win! YOU'LL NEVER WIN PRETTY CURE NEVER!
everything goes back to normal and a strange person marks out yellow
DISCONTINUED Pretty cure! Rainbow burst
Fantasys-so, don't hate me but I made this crappy weeb trash from a kids anime so I decided to make my ideas clear before I make my manga and animation (jk I already made the animation but it's true for the manga) so... Enjoy! I guess?