Chapter Two

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Pain was all my mind could register as I sat up my hands went up to my forehead rubbing the tender spot. Wincing as I gently pressed the wound for further inspection there was a large bump above my left eye I didn't want to imagine what it looked like though. My (e/c) were scanning my surroundings. Feeling the ground under me it felt strangely soft, peering down at what I must be laying on I saw thousands of golden flowers. I was astonished at how many there were thinking that maybe someone dumped them. Grazing my hand around the petals of one particular flower I noticed it was in fact separated from the ground. Furrowing my eye brows I pushed myself off the ground just to stumble forward from a sudden pain in my left ankle.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath as I began limping forward past this sort of cove it was getting rather dark before my eyes set upon a flower in the middle of a patch of green grass. It has an eerie smile, and large black orbs. My gut told me to run, but my curiosity was getting the better of me I couldn't help but sadly walk forward I would soon learn that was my greatest mistake.

"Hiya!" The flower called out to me in a chirpy tone, I shuddered in disgust, "You must be new to the underground, I bet your awfully confused arn'tcha!" That thing spoke like a child but, had the aura of a murderer I didn't trust it for one second.

Standing still I crossed my arms glaring the creature down its face twisted horridly before going back to normal.

"You know that's no way to great a new pal!" Anger was present in their voice, I felt the urge to run so I did just that I didn't care about the shouts that creature gave me as it shrieked in rage. "Get back here you Idiot!" It called back to me, but I just kept running. I ran through these violet tunnels as I kept going seeing strange creatures throughout my path I screeched to a halt. I almost face planted into these large double doors. It looked like a two story house it was strange why there be a house down here. I grimaced at remembering that thing I encountered minutes before.

"Where am I?" I asked myself aloud running my hand over the doorknob I looked determined to get out of here. Grabbing the doorknob tightly I turned it suddenly walking through it smelled of sweets which made my stomach churn in hunger I didn't care at the moment. But, then again when would I find food in a place like this?

Walking around I found the kitchen and a pie was sitting neatly on a plate. It smelled fresh so that means someone is still home there is no time to wrap it in fear they might come back. I crept around before finding a stair case it intrigued me so I placed my hand on the wall and began walking down. I could hear voices so I froze fear overtook me as my heart quickened its beat.

Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.

Just keep walking (Y/n), and you'll be fine. I said to myself as I stepped forward I saw a dress. Quickly I hid behind the wall my breathing hitched.

"Is something wrong Toriel?" A man's voice let out, as tears fell down my face.

"No I just thought I heard something Sans." A soft woman's voice rang out she sounded so gentle, but I couldn't trust it not after that...thing.

"Sans.." She said worriedly, I could hear crunching of something as she spoke, "Can you promise me something?"

"Tori, you know how much I hate making promises.." The male voice let out again sounding upset.

"Just, promise me this if a human comes down please...I beg of you don't let any harm come to them please, not like what happened with the others I don't want to see anymore blood.." She whispered the last part as a sharp inhale from the male was heard.

"Tori..." He said.

"Please Sans, for me?" She pleaded with the male, you could hear shuffling of feet.

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