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taehyung left the house and went to the convenience store nearby, it was day time and the crowd in the street was very busy. he hasn't slept yet since last night, his dark circles and eye bags could be seen, people might think taehyung was still drunk.

as he walked into the store and picked some food and drink, he made himself sit at the corner and enjoyed his food while playing with his phone and looking around him. the store wasn't that busy, only three four people including him at that time so he felt good enough.

taehyung walked back in to buy some for irene, suga, and jimin after he done eating. as he grabbed something, another hand was grabbed his wrist. taehyung quickly glanced at the guy and he smiled at taehyung.

"kim taehyung."

"i don't have much time, hyung." without glancing taehyung already knew it was his older brother, kim seokjin. he was totally different with kim taehyung, he was the good guy, smart, and well-mannered, he also a successful businessman, he got married and had a daughter. seokjin knew his little brother wasn't like this before until something happened with the family so he left without telling his family except seokjin, who always kept his secret and the only person he trusted, but it wasn't longer enough after taehyung started his crazy things.

"just give me a little time, i need to talk with you."

both of them were finally had a little time to talk, they were sitting in the outside table and glancing for each other. taehyung wasn't comfortable when his hyung looked at him like that so he always looked away, they didn't say anything for like five minutes and taehyung couldn't wait anymore. "fuck, this is wasting my time."


seokjin put the newspaper on the table when taehyung was about to leave, then he stopped when he saw the newspaper on the table as he sat down again and grabbed the newspaper, his eyes glared at seokjin before he read the newspaper.

Seoul Police released another 3 surname with initials for the criminalization of gang members case that reported by citizens.
• Jung, YR (female)
• Kim, TH (male)
• Park, JM (male)
Chief Jeon will take a quick investigation to find those criminals who have been ghosting citizens around the city.

"is it you or not, i want you to stop. you can live well with me, taehyung-ah, without being like this. when will you listen?"

taehyung kept silence as his eyes still on the newspaper, he was shocked at the first time then he realized irene's name wasn't on the list along with suga. taehyung looked up to see his brother, he trusted him but not at this time, he could live without him, he doesn't want his brother involved in this situation, if taehyung die, then let him die, if taehyung get caught, then let him live in the jail, it was all his life.

"well, it's already happened. they will find me anyway. why are you so care? just take care of your family." taehyung responded with his cold deep voice, he put the newspaper on the table, he got up, and started to walked away without turning back to see his hyung.

"if i didn't care, i already called the police at the day when you killed our father. you ARE still my brother and i care about you, kim taehyung!"

taehyung felt the pain in his heart when he heard his brother shouted at him while he kept walking away, his head was facing the ground and he bit his lips. he couldn't cry when he wanted to, he couldn't express how angry he was when he wanted to, he suffered a lot but he needed to be strong. he loved his brother after their mother and their little sister, but it didn't make him better if he stayed with him, taehyung already decided what life he should live in, and this was the life.

ten minutes of walking home, taehyung got back to the house, he walked through the dining room when there were irene, suga, and jimin having their lunch together. all of them stared at taehyung, taehyung approached them, and put the plastic bag on the table.

"we'll leave seoul tonight." taehyung told everyone in the room, suga and jimin were shocked at first but then they stared at each other until suga and jimin found out what was happening. they quickly got up from their seats and prepared themselves for leaving.

"what's wrong?" irene asked taehyung who sitting in front of her, his eyes were looking at the table before he looked at irene, he sighed and smiled a little which made her smiled too. "we're going on trip. it's been awhile."

"how did they found out? how!? shit i'm out of ammos"

"ya, jimin-ah, you sounds like an old woman, chill. it wasn't that bad, they won't find us."

"Breaking news for today is Chief Jeon and his team already make a move for finding the 6 criminals all around the city. Those names are Lee TM, Kang DN, Yoon BM, Jung YR, Park JY, Park JM, and Kim TH. Meanwhile Chief Lee already caught 3 out of 5 criminals in Ilsan last night..."

"fuck hyung! there wasn't Min YG or Bae JH on the list. What the fuck!?"

"Shut up, brat."

the news on the television and the arguments of suga and jimin were distracting taehyung, he started to worried about irene, because her eyes were glancing on the television and heard everything.

"is it because of that, kim taehyung?" irene asked taehyung, he just looked away while his fingers played with the leftover food on the table. he knew irene was sending him a death glare so he decided to avoided her.

his eyes were on irene, he was thinking, how to regretted everything what he done to her, he changed her, he was the one who made her like this, but she liked it, she got her satisfaction when she does it, same as taehyung.

taehyung got up from his seat and knelt down next to irene, he could see how panicked she was so he just held her hand tightly and kissed it as he comforted her. "everything will be alright."

"fuck, this isn't alright, taehyung, why don't we just leave the country?" irene asked taehyung, and he couldn't say anything more but hugging her tightly.

"just promise we won't get separated, okay." taehyung cupped irene's cheeks, waiting for her response but she just glanced at him for awhile then nodded. he pecked her on the lips.

"i hate you."

"i love you too. let's go."

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