Ch. 1

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Do you ever wonder what you've done to deserve the pain you feel. Lately I have wondered that every single day of my life. I attend high school, sophomore year. I'm new to this town I moved to recently. I thought I could start a new life here. Make friends and be happy. Try to make a positive outcome with this place I needed to call home. Then he arrived in my life. When I arrived for my first day at school. It did not go the way I planned.. No one wanted to talk with me. I sat alone at lunch. I kept seeing some guy staring at me with a group of people. It wasn't a normal stare. It was a death glare. As I walked through the hall the same guy who was staring at me slammed me into the lockers.

"So your the new kid huh? Your kind of short dont you think?" He asked laughing. I had no words to say, so I stared into his red eyes.

"Not much of a talker huh? I can see why you havent made any friends. Since obviously no one likes you, why not disappear? Better yet why not leave the entire state? No one wants you here." He said up in my face. I felt some tears run down my cheeks. But I kept a straight face not showing anger or sadness. He threw me to the ground and laughed.

"You're so pathetic!" He said walking off. I slowly picked myself off the ground feeling the pain in my knees. I finished walking to my locker grabbing my belongings and leaving school grounds. The event repeated for several weeks. Now here I am.. Being mocked, shoved, and made fun of by Cup's and his friends. Once they were done making fun of me, they made me fall to the ground and walked off. I stayed on my hands and knees as my tears of pain poured from my eyes. I don't know what I did to him.. Or why he treats me like this.. But my will to live is down at a zero.. I cant keep living this hell over and over. I need to end it and set myself free And I will.


Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.


A Forbidden Decision (Bendy x Cuphead/Bendystraw)Where stories live. Discover now