The World You Know

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This song reminds me of Arden so much. It fits her character perfectly right about now! FKA Twigs is definitely one of my faves. Let me know what you guys think! ;)

The cool air of the bedroom causes goosebumps to break out across my skin as my wet hair drips down my back. I stand awkwardly in front of the door and clear my throat. "Umm, I need clothes."

Inessa is seated at the golden vanity in between the two windows, writing away in a fancy leather bound book. It put my old tattered one to shame. What I wouldn't do just to see that book again! "There's clothes on the bed for you," she says, turning to look at me. Heat rises to my cheeks. I might as well be naked. Knowing I'm only in this towel makes me feel less than brave. "I had my chambermaid bring up some dinner. Once you're dressed you can have eat."

I try to hold in my snicker. "Chambermaid," I ask snottily. "What is this? The 19th century?"

A dark chuckle passes her lips, "Something like that." I don't question her on it and walk to the bed to gather the clothes.

I pick up a dainty, silk, baby pink camisole that has lace trimming and matching boy shirts. The hell I'm wearing this! I twist around and shoot daggers at Inessa with my eyes. "You're funny if you think I'm putting this on," I shout at her.

She simply shrugs her shoulders, "It's either that or you can stay undressed." She tilts her head to the side, her eyes lighting up in amusement. "Your choice."

I am so done with these ultimatums tonight! Who do these people think they are thinking they can control me! I'm getting the first ticket out of here.

I angrily snatch the strips of clothing, because that's really all they are and march my way back to the bathroom, letting the door slam behind me.

I try not to admire how the lingerie set makes me look sexy and how luxurious the silk feels against my skin. Once I've found a brush, I quickly brush through the knots in my hair and put it in two braids.

I've got to find a way out of here. I walk over to the large window that takes over the whole wall that's behind the free standing jacuzzi bathtub. I push against the glass to see if there a secret latch somewhere, but to my dismay, there's no way of escaping. Fuck me! Suddenly, I kick the window with my bare foot and instantly regret it.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," I ramble as I hop on one foot while holding my now sore one. Ugh. Though, I shouldn't be surprised that I couldn't escape so east. I look out the window and notice that I'm very, very far from the ground. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't recklessness jump out the window then?

I give myself a small pep talk and put on a strong face before I make my way back out to the bedroom.

Inessa is still in the same spot as before, only she's now wrapping the binding on her journal and putting it away in one of the drawers. I squeeze my lips together to keep the words from fumbling out, but I can't stop them as I say, "Are you aware that your two little followers are murderers?" I cross my arms against my chest, partly to look intimidating but mostly since my nipples are poking out from my camisole due to the frigid air of the room.

Inessa's right brow shoots up. "That wasn't murder," she states in a dangerous tone, slowly rising from her seat. "If anything, it was a public service," she hisses out the last word, goosebumps sitting across my skin.

I cannot believe this woman! What nerve she has! My fists clench in anger. "I saw him begging for his life," I raise my voice. "When is murder ever justifiable?" He could have had children for all we know, or even a wife, a dog at home missing him!

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