Iron super adventures 14

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Three more dinozords discovered in the city, and it's thanks to the decepticons.

    The con was at his breaking point. "I need to get out of here." He jumped away. "Rats, he got away." "Maybe, but we have another problem on our hands." They met up with their dinozords, only to find that the three rogue ones are actually playing tag with theirs. "I think they've joined out side." Suddenly, three cylinders flew up to them. "The Dino chargers that control them." "Yes, rexella, you did it." Allie patted the T-Rex zord on the head. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but it's getting late." "Yeah, let's head home." The team went back to the palace. After the three newest dinozords were settled into their keeps, the team called it a day.

    On the warship. "That's. It! We're striking them where it most hurts, target the milky way and fire the Galaxykiller!" People started talking and pressing buttons. "Locking on target." "Power levels at 100%." "Ready to fire sir." "Fire!" On the side of the ship, powered by the staff of power, a huge disk went from black, to hot red. A beam of negative energy blew away from the disk, headed to the Milky Way, intent on destroying it! "Those avengers are about to know the true meaning of loss!" "Impact in five-four-three-two-" Suddenly, the beam was cut off by a shield circling the entire galaxy. "Sir, the galaxy had a shield around it." Starscream exploded with more rage then ever before. "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh!" Starscream started for the galaxykiller control system. There he took the staff of power, snapped it in half, then went at the control console with rage like never before, completely destroying it. A guard watched it all. "You! Summon the rest of the fleet, if we can't use our ultimate weapon, then we'll overwhelm them." "Roger roger." The message was sent. "This is lord starscream to all decepticon ships across the universe. Terminate your missions, and set a course for naboo, the real invasion begins now!"

The next day, it was Jeremy's turn to make breakfast. He was making pancakes when Allie entered. "Hey Jeremy have you seen my wand charger anywhere?" "What does it look like?" "It's looks like a crystal heart." "Then no I have not seen it." "This is bad, you need to charge wands with magical energy, and if I can't find my charger my wand will die permanently." "Whoa, relax, can't you just get another charger?" "Of course, they sell them at questbuy!" "Where's that?" Allie grabbed his hand, opened a portal, and two seconds later, they were in another dimension, into the biggest store ever. "Welcome to questbuy."

A new dimension, a wand in danger of dying. Will Allie and Jeremy succeed? And what does starscream have planned this time? We're in the homestretch of the season, so stay tuned, as the adventure nears the fulfillment of the second prophecy.

To be continued.

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