Part 9 ~ Dinner For Two?

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Poor guy.

I grab the desk chair and sit down right next to his bed. The tears are just rolling down . . he couldn't take much more . . but the sleeping pill will soon kick in and he will fall asleep peacefully and wake up well rested. . . hopefully.

"You're not lonely right now, Mister Jackson . . I'm right here"

He looks at me.

"I feel lonely deep inside, Misses Miller . . I have so many people around me all day everyday and yet I feel like I can't talk to any of them . . so many people tell me they love me . . my family, my fans . . but it's hard for me to believe it . . I don't love myself, so why should anybody else? . . I'm losing myself more every single day . . this is just too much for me sometimes. . . but now you are here and I'm glad that you are"

"I'm very sorry that you feel this way . . if you want to keep talking, you can. . I'm here and I'm listening . . do you mind if I take notes?"

"No . . not at all . . . but umm . . would you mind giving me a hug?"

". . . A hug?"

"Yes . . I could really use one right now"

I put my notepad on the bed and slowly open my arms. He moves closer and wraps his arms around me. I feel incredibly overwhelmed right now. . and that's all because I have no idea what the heck I'm doing . . . . hugging a client? that never happened . . and it shouldn't.

His whole body is trembling and his skin feels so warm.

Now he's crying . . . on my shoulder.

~ Michael's point of view ~

I feel pathetic and stupid but I never needed a hug so bad in my life. I've never felt so down and worthless . . . I'm usually not the person to open up so easily but this is her profession . . I'm sure she understands . . . no . . actually . . no one can understand how I feel . . . not even the best psychologist in town.

"Are you feeling better?" She whispers.

I let go of her and wipe my tears away. "A little bit . . I think the pill is starting to work . . I feel very very tired . . I'm gonna lay down and fall asleep soon . . . I need to fall asleep . . . I feel so sleepy"

"Good . . I'm glad the pill is working now . . the best thing for you is now to close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep. . ok? the pill will help you. . . have a good night sleep Mister Jackson, I wil see you tomorrow at 4pm!"

She walks out of the room . . next thing I know Bill is sitting next to my bed. Wow . . that happened fast . . these pills make me feel like I'm drunk in a way . . . very weird. . . but I'm tired . . very tired and that is GOOD. I can't wait to fall asleep.


I open my eyes. "Bill?"

~ Megan's point of view ~

I'm finally back home . . . Ashley is sitting in front of the TV, eating chips.

"THERE YOU ARE! I was waiting for you, what took you so long?"

"I stayed for a talk . . ."

"What did you guys talk about?"

"Ashley . . stop it . . I'm not going to tell you . . end of the discussion"

"Girl . . I'm your best friend!! is there something going on between you two?!"

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