Thirty One

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The night fades in, and out. It was almost like watching a movie going in fast mood. I realize that I am sitting alone in the woods, and I look up. I watch as the moon changed to the sun and the sun to the moon again. It was quite thrilling really. But I'm alone. Once again.

Suddenly things take a twist, Harry laying in front if me covered in blood. I scream out his name, but he doesn't respond.

"He's dead." I heard a voice say, and look around for it

"Who are you." I cry out

Suddenly, a very, very, familiar man shows up. One that frightens me, to no end. My father.

"Hello Rosie." He mockingly spits at me

"Yes, hello Rose." Another man speaks, Kevin

I hurry up to my feet quickly running over to Harry's ice cold body.

"HARRY." I scream, and the men chuckle

"Like I said, he's dead." My father harshly speaks

"I killed him." Kevin laughs

I watch them as they slowly start walking up to me. I back away faster then my mind can comprehend, I grab Harry's arm, and run while dragging him. I know I can only run so long .before the two men catch up with me, but the adrenaline in body is pumping to no end, moving me faster, and faster.

I look around and notice how red eyes are staring at me, chuckling as I run. Suddenly I'm not moving no more, I can't. It seems as though I'm paused by a remote. My hand still holds Harry's as a women with no left side of her face starts stalking towards me. I hear yelling towards the women when I realize who she is. My mother.

"Run." Her hoarse voice says, ask a gun shot is heard and the other side of her face is blown to bits by the two men behind me

I become unpasued but realize Harry's body is gone. I look ahead ignoring the voices and eyes, and run. Just like mother said. I see a glass window, and see Harry and a little girl behind it. It looks as though it's hospital window, and I run faster to the window. I bang on the glass, until I get Harry's attention.

"Harry, who's this?" I ask referring to the little girl and notice I'm in a hospital room

"This is our daughter." His raspy voice whispers through the glass

"What's her name?" I ask

"Violet." Then a sharp pain is filled without my body as a smirking Kevin looks at me

He aims at Violet next, "NO, NOT MY BABY."

The gun shot, could be heard. She was gone. And then suddenly so am I.


This time I wake up alone in the bed, while the sun shines bright in my eyes. Harry is gone, I assume at work. I wipe my sweaty forehead with my arm, and grab my heart. The dream keeps appearing again and again, and I can't get it out of my head. I sit up, and slowly get out of bed. I walk into the bathroom, and start the tub. I walk out, and wrap my robe around me as I walk down out of our wing into the main entrance. Now since everybody is this castle is a vampire expect me, only me and Louis are left in the place. Alone. Which doesn't bother me, Louis, is Louis. I walk into the kitchen and look in the fridge.

"Oh hard is it for someone to get some damn food around here, I'm pregnant and I want food." I mutter to myself as I go through cabinets

I sigh, and jump down off of the counter, and almost fall on the floor when I notice someone was behind me, "Sorry Miss. Rose I didn't mean to startle you." The waiter in the house spoke

"No, no. It's okay, I just wasn't expecting you." I hold my hand to my chest again

"Once again, I'm sorry. Your maid has informed me that your bath is ready."

"O-oh yes, thank you." I say and walk past him

"And ma'am, I will have the new chief cook you some lunch." He smiles, and I thank him again while running upstairs

The chief, waiter, doorman, and maids are all actually human in this castle. They are actually what the boys feast on for blood, when they don't go out an hunt. Harry, however, doesn't feast on our maid. He believes it's wrong to use his power in an unorthodox way. Which honestly, I don't blame him entirely for doing so.

I walk into the bathroom, and see the maid smile at me. She's not much older then I am. 21, as I am 21 as well. She has bright red hair, and pale white skin. Well as pale as a humans skin can get. The outfit she wears however is sleazy, and I mentally want to bag Louis for doing that. She helps me out of my robe and into the bath. She stops suddenly.

"Miss. Rose, why are there small hand print bruises all over your stomach?" She asks me, and I quickly look down confused as she is to what they are from

"I-I don't know, Kasey." I speak honestly

"Should I call Dr. Liam?" She quickly asks

"Yes, but tell him it's no rush. I can't feel them, but I should get it check out." I inquire, she slowly nods before exiting the bathroom

The bubbles covers up most of my baby bump, but the top. You can see the bruises which kinda if scare me. What is going on inside of me. A few minutes later there is a knock on the bathroom door, and waiter is holding a tray of food.

"Oh my gosh, thank you Quincy." I state to the elder man

He simply nods and walks out while Liam walks in, "I got here as fast as I could."

"Didn't Kasey tell you it's no big rush?" I ask while I eat a strawberry

"Yes, but I just, I have to make sure you are okay." He admits

"Well can you wait like ten minutes while I eat my food?" I ask

"Certainly, I'll go talk to your maid." He quickly response

"Liam, I know you have a thing for our maid." He blushes, and quickly runs out


"Okay Rose, take off the robe." Liam instructs

I take off the slick clothing, and lay in the bed. He places his cold dead hand on my stomach, while he moves around it. His eyes go wide, as he looks at me then back down quickly. He stands up, and walks into the hall.

"Call Harry, and tell him it's and emergency." Liam's voice sounds urgent to Kasey

I hear her mumble a quick 'okay' before running into our living room, and dialling in the phone. The nerves in my body being to boil up. What's wrong? What's going on? Is it bad? Liam comes back, and smiles at me before, he crouches by the bed side. As I'm about to ask what's going on, I feel a sharp pain in my arm, and my eyes shut. I'm asleep. I think. I can feel the movement, and I can hear them talking but I can't see them or open my eyes. What's wrong with me?

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