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Byul and Yongsun are not dating.

It's a well known fact around their rather large circle; they are and have been best friends for more than 21 years now- since they were toddlers.

Since the ripe old ages of 3 and 4, they have relied on each other for everything and anything. They're close enough to do just about everything couples do- minus the obvious.

Byul and Yongsun are just friends.

No one ever pushed or pointed them out, even when Yongsun does appear out of nowhere to sit on Byul's lap despite there being an empty seat next to her.

Likewise, it isn't a surprise when Byul gives Yongsun butterfly kisses across her flushed face, giggling all high whilst looking into her eyes lovingly.

It was hot out. Wheein came around with a pair popsicles. Her face was red from the humid heat, sweat permeating through her makeup.

As usual, they sat on a curb, hips side by side. Wheein layed back on some grass while Byul leaned forward, toned legs straight. Her muscle tee was beginning to feel like a burden with the intense sun.

"Wheein, would it be inappropriate if i took off my top?"

Byul looked at her expectantly, popsicle hanging off her lips. Wheein opened her eyes, half lidded to prevent permanent eye damage.

"Depends. Got a sports bra under that?"

Byul tch'd and Wheein raised an eyebrow. She looked away, biting a piece off her flavoured icicle.

Conversation between them was as usual: the weather, school, dance, working out, Wheein's boy problems and finally, Yongsun. It was a pattern they trailed unconciously like a religion. Though she'd always clarify and emphasize the "just friends", Wheein knew there was something up.

She noticed that sooner than later. It was around last year that she noticed the burst of emotion in Byul's dark eyes, but she had never brought it up.

She grew increasingly frustrated with her friends behavior, really- no one could deny that they were soulmates.

"You know- you guys do look like girlfriends- but no one ever says anything about it..."

Byul's neck practically broke as she whipped her head 180° degrees turning to Wheein. A cracking sound resonated, making the latter chuckle.

She massaged the back of her neck as if it were tender, which it was.

"What the fuck?"

Byul stared at her incredulously, her popsicle melting into her hand. Wheein gave her a simple shrug.

Her dark blue hair swished as she turned around to face forward, only to have her head gravitate back to Wheein again.

"What," Byul swallowed. "-do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what i said...?" Wheein deadpanned, a hard disappointed look on her face.

Byul turned away yet again. She stared at the ground.

Her grip on her popsicle loosened, falling with a small splat! Wheein shouted at her, but she couldn't interpret what she said.



Yongsun would never like her in that way.



yall bear with me i promise the chaps get longer and better ok ok most of the angst is at the end

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