bye bye moma

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Crash, bang

Things being thrown around

Mom packing her bags

We all know shes leaving

Sister and i screaming and crying

Wanting to yell at the top of my lungs

"Mom please don't leave us!"

Already out the door

Heading twords a strangers arms to do things she shouldn't

Soon friends, alcohol, drugs, and a man who didn't care 

Took her own kids places

5 through 6 thought i was all alone

A sister and two brothers who could barley take care of themselves

Had to take care of their younger sister

Soon all became broken and sacred

And all hearts became hard

Oldest brother took a stand

And it was too late for our mother to change her ways

For we were already out the door heading to our fathers arms

Knowing our world would be better

And hoping our mothers world would be to one day. 
                                   -lexi G.

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