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Grim's POV

"What do you mean you've lost her location?!" I slammed my fist against my desk out of rage, making the soldiers in front of me flinch out of fear. 

"She seems to have d-disappeared, sir. Our spies lost her track after the base," one of them stepped forward to explain, "Since then, they haven't seen sight of her." 

"And the experiments?" I snapped as I glared at the two frighten men in front of me. They looked at each other before turning back to me, nervously.

"Black Leader, the new girl has been refusing to eat-"

"Shove it down her little throat if you have to! If we don't get back our monster, that little brat is our last chance!" 

"Her name is Ceres, Black Leader." The door to my office opened, revealing a women wrapped in white and purple bandages, hugging her hourglass figure. ((Hhhhh-)) She looked into my eyes with her green ones as she walked past the guards and to the edge of my desk, a strand of her raven black hair falling over her brown face.

"Jinx-" Before I knew it, she had a dagger to my throat and my soldiers had the guns pointed at her.

"My daughter. Now," she spat as she gripped the dagger, pushing it against my throat enough for me to notice it more. I chuckled, raising my hand to surrender.

"You know I can't do that-" I was interrupted by her yelling at me in some ancient language while throwing her hands in the air and pacing back and forth, "Jinx-"

"You turned them both into monsters without my consent! Both of my daughters, one is lost in the world while the other is dying in your hands!-"

"I'm lengthening their lives, making them stronger! You should be thanking me! I saved your first when she was out on the streets, starving! Where were you?!" I yelled back. By now the two soldier had left the room out of fear. Jinx glared at me, enraged, her form shifting sightly between the monster I gave her and her human form.

"We were separated by your selfish actions, YOU IGNORANT MAN!" This was true. The only reason I found them was because they were near the war zone with a past army that I soon defeated. After I gained to two, winning wars became easy. (Y/n) as our beast and Jinx as our seer; two of our greatest secrets. The only reason the two survived the experiments is beyond me and Jinx refuses to tell me anything more than that they "aren't like other humans". Though, I've never admit to the blame, it wasn't me who burned down their home. 


"No! I will not stand by while my daughter lies dying in this hellish place-"

"Then what's stopping you from taking her and leaving?!" I caught her off guard with that. She stared at me blankly before looking away and to her hands. 

"I did owe you for saving the lives of them both, but I had no say in their fate!" She snapped, her hands finding their way to my coat collar, "The only reason you still live is because you saved me that day and still serve you by my honor. And don't forget that you wouldn't be here if I hadn't cured you from disease."

"Then help me," I offered, "We recently found (Y/n) in the hands on the Red Army."

"What?" Jinx's grip on my collar loosened as she looked at me, hopefully. She released me, stepping away as she watched me carefully, "This better not be another one of your lies or else I will break you, snake." 

"Glad you see it my way-"

"I'm not finished, mortal. First, you take me to my daughter, then I'll help you." I was afraid she'd say that. Then again, she's the only one who can track (Y/n) without having to be there so I don't have much of a choice.

"Alright. Follow me." I sighed in defeat as we both walked out of me office and down the maze of halls to the lab. Jinx rushed in before I could react then stared in horror at her daughter's weak form before rushing to her. 

"Ceres? Ceres, look at me," Jinx started tearing up now. When the guards were about to approach her, I raised my hand, signalling to back down and they obeyed. As I look back to Jinx and Ceres, the purple haired child looked like she had all the energy in the world, her white tail wagging and her two set of white ears perked up at the sight of her mother. Her light skin looked less pale then earlier as if she was getting all her energy from Jinx. Almost makes me feel bad for taking her. 

"Mommy! Look, look!" Ceres cheered as she pointed to her ears and tail as if her weakness was all an act. Smart girl for a ten years old. 

"I know, I know," Jinx said with a sad smile as she ran her fingers through her daughter's purple waves, "Are you alright? Hungry?"

"Hungry, hungry!" Ceres cheered again as she hugged Jinx, her tail wagging. Now that I think about it, it'll be hard to keep her power a secret to (Y/n) since she can't retract her ears and tail. This is something I didn't count on. Jinx sighed then removed the tubes that were connected to Ceres and picked her up then started walking towards me.

"You'll find (Y/n) in England," she spoke up, bluntly as she held Ceres closer, "She won't be there for long and she's gotten stronger so don't try to confront her head on, especially in public. Knowing her, she won't hesitate to kill another company of your soldiers." She finally turned to look at me with rage in her eyes. "I'll be looking after Ceres from now on, she will train under you, but I'll be the one who schedules everything for her, understand?" I can't help but grin evilly at this then I nodded.

"Of course, Jinx, she's all yours."

I have a monster to hunt down.

((Sorry for the slow update. School is busy and I've been having some writers block. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to start on the next one soon. See you all!! <3))

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