1: Joshua Rajan Muz
3:Heights, Scorn/disapproval, and pain
4:Family, Friends, and Technology
5:Damien Camp
6:Nine in the afternoon.
7:This makes me uncomfterble (Strong Bad reference anyone?)
8:Donald Trump X4
10:One set of pierced ears
11:(Changed to Wattpad) I joined because I wanted to write a Megaman-X fanfic.
13:A costume of Zero from Megaman-X.
14:Never been in a relationship
15:I needed a username so I used my Xbox one
16:UHF maybe
18:Imagine Dragons
19:Sexism, Racism, and Homophobia
20:Kittens, hanging out with my twin brother, and sleeping in my bed
21:Green eyes, long hair, and a nice smile
22:My friend Dylan, we've gone our separate ways now
23:My brother
24:Really good, we enjoy each others company
26:(Changed to Wattpad) namupokemanchan
28:I have stared at other men in changing rooms
29:Bragging, when people say f**, and when people are rude to me
30:Cat for sure
31:Albus Dumblemeow and Catrick Stewart
32:What I spent my day off doing
33:My report card grades
34:Having to wrestle my friend in gym
35:I don't have a job
36:Later life and my future
37:Chewing my nails, saying sorry for every little thing, and ...I'll come back to this
38:To participate in a philosophical argument, become a digital designer, and create a game on steam
39:Being famous and living in an apartment
40:Warp 1 Comics and Games
41:Indian food
42:I hung out with my parents and we had guests over
43:Singing maybe
44:Going to the West Edmonton Mall and eating New York Fries and talking
45:None really, maybe Emma Watson
I used a filter, just for a bit of privacy)
47: Non-applicable
48:number of kids I want, hmmm I guess 0
49:I don't smoke or drink
50:What is your gender?
I identify as male