chapter nine.

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"you just really want to see me locked up don't you?"

i looked around me and stopped at the figure that was standing next to me. everything was a blur of colors; mostly blue and red. yet i knew who it was.

"how many times are you going to do this alex?"

my head was seriously killing me and i could barely keep my eyes open. i realized i was in a bed though, probably in a hospital again. i felt around for anything that could possibly call a nurse but, my movements were slow.

"how many times boy? was a beating not enough all the other times? i swear if your mother just had that abortion when i told her to, we would all not be where we are right now."

my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth and it felt so heavy when I peeled it off.

"get away from me"

"what did you say boy? you want me to pull the plug?"

i reached out to that blue and red figure

"i said get the hell away from me"

i felt so weak.

where was the light when i needed it?

where is it?

anyways, it didn't matter so, i closed my eyes

and forced myself to dream of


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