Part 1 °Friends Or Puppets°

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Its dark. Im walking back home, from work in a hurry, for a shortcut I walk in one dark alley. After walking a bit i stop looking at something with tears in my eyes but smiling. I hear a gunshot…

That’s how it always ends. The same dream every week, again and again . I wish I knew what it means.

I stood up from the couch I guess yesterday I was so tired that I fell asleep on it. I walked to the fridge and opened it up to find it just as empty as I left it yesterday morning.

Y/N: I need to go buy some groceries soon…

With that I closed the door of the fridge and went to the other room to change clothes and get ready to go to work, even tho it was Saturday. I have no free day from work, this is since my parents…

On my way to work seemed pretty normal, before noticed a car. I don’t know if im being paranoid or I was being followed. It seemed to go where I am, when I am. Before going to work I went to the park and a coffee shop. It was always in front of the entrance. At one point I got annoyed so I went through some alleys sneaking around silently and when I got out the car was nowhere to be seen. I guess it lost me at some point. Now calm I went to work.

Someone’s pov:

I was sitting in the car looking through the window at Y/n walk in the library she worked in…one of her three jobs

?: oh sweet Y/n you’re definitely good at many things, but escaping from me is not one of them.

I said that slightly smirking

?: we will see each other soon…

After that I drove my car away. I should go home to get

ready for the club.

Y/Ns pov:

I just finished work, definitely I had worse days. Now I even have energy to deal with the drunk people in the strip club. Quickly before closing the library I checked one last time if everything’s at place and went outside walking down the street towards the club.

Once I was there I ran to the backroom to put on my work clothes and afterwards walked to the bar. I had so much orders to take care of, I started to prepare the different shots and alcohols giving them to the clients which were ether looking at the strippers and pole dancers or at me, Im already use to being checked out while im at work, after all this is a strip club and most of the clients are drunk perverts.

I was just putting the drink of one guy in front of him

?: what is a beautiful flower like you doing in a place like that

I ignored him, its not the first drunk guy who’s flirting with me. I turned my back to him

?: its rude to ignore people, you know? Especially if they are complimenting you.

I turned towards him again

Y/N: ooh, sorry sir I just didn’t heard you

I said pretending that I didn’t herd him and playing nice

?: okay then, hows your name kitten?

Y/N: sorry but I don’t want to share that info

?: you have no choice after ignoring me

I sighted and then said

Y/N: My name is Y/n

?: Y/n huh? I see, your name is just as beautiful as you. Im Jimin…Park Jimin

Y/N: nice to meet you Mr. Park

Jimin: For you just Jimin sweet Y/n

Y/N: okay

After that the night went well at one point I looked back to where Jimin was, but now he was gone. Its expected, after all normal people go to sleep and now was like 5am…just one hour more and im going home too.

Jimin's pov

I walked in that club. I can’t believe he made me come here just for that one girl, cant he do it himself…after taking one deep breath I went inside and walked straight to the bar. I played my role good and at the end I told her my name just like I was supposed to do. Around 5am I got text from him that I can come back in the gang house now. I stood up and left silently.

The car was waiting for me, I sat in and it started to drive towards home.

?:you did good

Jimin: shut up, I didn’t do it for you, I did it because you said you will get me closer to Jungkook

?:I will , on the next mission you’re going with him. From there on its all in your hands whether he falls for you or no…

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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