First Dare/BEN Drowned

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Mad: Gets a letter* Oh~ Madoline C'mere!
Madoline: Coming! *Comes* Yes?
Mad: Well, I still have work at home, so ima leave you to be in control.
Starlit: Why her?
Eritrea: Yeah! Why not Me?
Mad: Because I said so and I'm at least three years older than each of you. So Madoline, here's the letter, every time a new one appears it's either a dare or me checking in, and who and whatever is needed for the dare will appear either in that room or in that closet. Your first dare involves BEN and Starlit. Goodluck. *Teleports away*
Madoline: Yay~ Ok, the dare Is~

I dare starlit to poor water on Ben drowned

Madoline: Horrible grammar.
Starlit: I know, right?
Eritrea: ...No comment.
Starlit: I feel bad for BEN. He is HORRIFIED of water.
Eritrea: Yup... Go remind him of how his drunken dad threw him into a lake and drowned him at the beach and how he is now stuck traveling like this forever instead of being free as well as bringing his worst fears to life with the possibility of making him unstable emotionally. (GET THE POINT, STAROUT?!?)
Madoline: Good luck. *Grabs water bottle out of bucket*
Eritrea: If it makes you feel better, I'll distract him and help ya.
Madoline: I'll be witness.
Starlit: Takes water* Fine... *Heads to living room where BEN is.
Madoline: Grabs a towel* This is gunna be bad.
Eritrea: Meh. *Walks out and starts talking to BEN*
Starlit: Frowning as she sneaks up on BEN*
Madoline: Watching*
BEN: Well, do you know why I'm here?
Eritrea: You're know in three... two... One.
Starlit: Dumps water on BEN*
BEN: Has panic attack*

Time Skip

BEN: Finally calm after twenty minutes and thirteen towels*
Madoline: Do you forgive us, BEN?
BEN: Will you let me do the outro?
Eritrea: N-
Madoline: Yes.
BEN: YAY! So, Leave an ask and/or dare (Maybe no more with me) and have a good day, so, Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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