Chapter 3 A Day With Fall Out Boy

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I am awoken by the sound of my alarm clock the next morning at 8. I roll over and turn it off, mentally cursing myself for setting an alarm. Then I remembered what happened last night and jump out of bed, realizing that we had less then a hour before we were going to have breakfast with Patrick and Pete. I shake Madeline trying to wake her. She groans, swats at me and rolls over, covering herself with the blanket more.

"Madeline if you do not get out of this bed now we are going to be late for our breakfast with Fall Out Boy!" I warn her. She suddenly sits up, still wrapped in the blanket. "I'm up!"

"Good. Now I'm going to take a quick shower. Do not fall back asleep." I give her a warning look as I walk out of the room. After a quick shower I start getting ready while Madi showers. With five minutes to spare we hop into my car for the three-minute drive to my parents' restaurant. When we walk in we see Pete and Patrick already seated at a table and we go to join them.

Katie comes and hands us menus as we sit, staring wide eyed at Pete and Patrick. "Hi Katie," I say and kind of snap her out of her daze. "What can I get you to drink?" She asks and her eyes have returned to the guys. We all order coffee and water and Katie is hesitant to leave after we order. I clear my throat and then say "Thanks Katie," to remind her that she is working. Her eyes flicker to me and then she turns around to retrieve our drinks.

"So, what do you two have planned for us?" Pete asks.

"Well we could go to Ruckers from here and play some games," I suggest. "Then we could order pizza and have a picnic at one of the parks. After that we could go bowling."

"That sounds like a great idea." Pete smiles at me.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome," Patrick says smiling at Madi.

The four of us continue talking and getting to know each other. We order breakfast and end up sitting there for an hour because we are all talking so much. I notice my parents peek their heads out of the kitchen, my dad longer then my mom until she pulls him back into the kitchen. I excuse myself from the conversation and head into the kitchen.

"What's up dad?" I ask as I walk through the door.

"Who are those boys?" he asks and I can see the protectiveness in his eyes.

"Dad, I'm 18," I remind him, "and those boys are Pete and Patrick from Fall Out Boy. They asked if we would show them around because they are going to be in town for a few days."

My mother is smiling as she stands off to the side not wanting to get into the middle of this because we both know how over protective my father can be. Not that it is a bad thing, I know he cares a lot about me and since I am the oldest he is still getting use to his daughter growing up and being an adult. I smile sweetly at him, watching him internally struggle at me being an adult and making my own decisions and wanting to go threaten the guys who dare hang out with his little girl.

"So what are you all doing today?" he asks.

"Ruckers, pizza at the park, and then bowling," I reply still smiling sweetly at him in hopes that he will be okay with this and not worry the entire time.

"Well darling have a great time," my mother intercedes, "and tell them not to worry about the bill, it's all covered."

"Thanks mom," I say and kiss her on the cheek. I walk over and kiss my dad on the cheek, "love you dad!"

I head back to the table before my dad can say a word and announce that the food is paid for. We head out and take my car since Pete and Patrick were dropped off by Andy and Joe. Pete claims shot gun while Patrick and Madeline sit beside each other in the back seat. We drive across the city, Madi and Patrick having their own conversation and Pete asking me questions about my life.

"What is your favourite ice cream flavour?" he asks.

"Mint chocolate chip or cookie dough," I reply.

"Favourite kind of pizza?"

"Hawaiian or meat lovers."

"Favourite colour?"


This continued until we reached Ruckers and we piled out of the car. We bought our tokens and then Pete decided we should have a competition to see who could win the most tickets. We split up into teams, Madi with Patrick and Pete with me. Whoever lost had to buy the pizza for our picnic. We split off and Pete and I headed to the first game we could find that would hopefully win lots of tickets. We played a few games and won some tickets before playing a couple games for fun like guitar hero. We then arrived at the game that you drop balls to win tickets. We spent the most of our token there and Pete was able to win the Mega Jackpot. After we collected our tickets we used the last of our tokens for ski ball.

We played one game, Pete getting the high score because he kept getting the 10,000 bucket and I kept getting the 1,000 bucket. The two of us together had enough for one more game of ski ball and then played the last game together. Pete stood behind me, put his arms around me to help me throw the ball. The first one landed in the 10,000 bucket and I jumped excitedly. Pete laughed and then we continued to play the game the same way.

We then made our way to the ticket counter machine and added our tickets together. After having many difficulties because the tickets kept getting twisted and we were laughing so much the total came out to 5230. We printed the receipt and waited for Madi and Patrick. They rounded a game and then counted up their tickets which came to a total of 4570. Victory was ours. We got a whole bunch of different prizes and then headed to dominoes pizza next door to order our pizza.

A/N If only this was real (sigh) I feel like this was very vague. Let me know what you think in the comments. 

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