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"Oh please, stop with your nonsense," the newly turned adult grumbled for the billionth time that afternoon, "I am not the kind of girl who goes crazy and drinks all of her worries away, just because she turned 21!"

Her best friend rolled her eyes at the flustered birthday girl, and continued to reason about, "Raven, you are making this into a bigger deal than it really is. They are only a few drinks, besides, you are legal! Nobody will bash you for it."

The green eyed beauty stood there staring down her closest friend. Silence filled the air and various consequences ate at her thoughts. Every possibility ran through her head, any accident possible and various scenarios played like a slide show before her. It could all go wrong, and even more so that there was going to be alcohol involved. But Keira was right-it was her twenty first birthday, and she'd been such a good and well behaved girl in her teenage years. Always obliging to whatever her parents ordered her to, never let to choose her own paths or make her own wrong decisions to learn from. She was naive to the world, needing to open up her eyes to all the adventures it held.

So with a deep sigh, Raven finally gave in to her friend's persuasive banter, "Fine!"

Keira broke into a satisfied grin while outstretching her arms to involve Raven into a tight hug, "We're going to have so much fun!" She broke into a full on ramble- "I will take you to all of the exciting hot spots in town! I know this little place where they serve happy hours every other hour after midnight. And there's a dance floor and everything! They have this huge disco ball and it lights up the roo-"

"Keira, for Pete's sake," Raven shook her shoulders, "breathe!"

"Sorry," a sheepish grin took place on her lips as her dark eyes widened. She was still in awe that her plain Jane of a friend agreed to go with her. "I'm just excited for tonight, is all."

"Just... Don't go overboard on this," Raven then explained, " you know how I feel about drinking. Only a few and that's all, then I'm outta there, alright?" She began to think about how her step father enjoyed his own drinks, one or two too many, and how that has been slowly destroying their little family.

"You don't have to worry, I know what I'm doing." Keira reassured her with a pleasant smile.

This warmed Raven's heart a tad bit, and she too smiled at the thought of the new adventure that lay ahead of them. This night out with Keira is surely one she will never forget, that she was sure of.

"What are y'all girlies grinning about there, eh?" A rough voice suddenly appeared next to the girl's figures, resulting in them jump apart.

"My god, Trevor!" Keira glared daggers at her boyfriend's smirking face.

"Sorry, sweet cakes" Trevor chuckled while giving her waist a possessive hug. A bright smile was painted on his lips as he gazed at her lovingly.

"Humph!" she pouted but soon giggled along with him. 

Oh how Raven envied her two friends. They have found comfort and love in each other's arms, unlike her. She was still single and it will forever stay that way. Even though her body yearned for strong arms to hold her to a warm chest, and how her hands were lonesome, and her lips were still a pair of virgins as she was one of the purest of the girls in the small town she called home. No young man ever wanted the girl that didn't put out immediately. And so, her journey to her twenty first years of life had been dateless as ever, and she was sure that the next few years would also be like those in the past: indulging herself in her romance novels while devouring some chocolate hot fudge cake the entire Friday through Sunday. Those were lonely midnights, but nothing too bad that a good book filled with steamy romances wouldn't help mend. 

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