Chapter Three

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Short little A/n here, Damian was 17 when you left, and you turned 17 shortly after leaving, but Damian is a few months older—going off the insanity of the comics. Bruce Wayne is 36, the year is 2021 (lol I'm writing this April 11th, 2022, and we'll make covid non-existent since it's the DC universe and tech is sure to advance faster, thanks to intelligent people like Vibe from The Flash.) and Damian is 22, you are 21. Here's what helped me come to this conclusion. Also, thank you, Google, for giving me this answer.

 Also, thank you, Google, for giving me this answer

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It's been five years, five years today since she left, and it's been two weeks since she last texted me. I sighed, staring up at the ceiling and contemplating my life in my bed. I lived in a costly Apartment. The landlord said some girl was moving in today, across the hall from me. Said something about her coming from Britain and that she's timid. I worked at Wayne enterprises during the day, helping dad out wherever I could get at the Company and Robin, even though Robin is now an independent hero. I heard shuffling outside and then a loud clap, followed by a yell. Quickly, I headed to my door and took a peek out into the hall, wondering what could be happening in the hallway. I open my door, recognizing Connor Kent and his brother Jonathan. Then the girl shouts again, obviously upset with them, "You two idiots lost it!? Do you know how expensive that console was!? Do you know how upset he will be when he finds out I can't play today!?"

The two Kents cringe at the mention of another, I'm assuming her online friend, but it seems they've met him before. When they notice me watching the chaos, they visibly wither. The small girl huffs, flipping her wavy H/c hair that faded into a soft purple—flower headphones around her neck. She's timid. "Even worse, I will have to cancel the raid. My gaming rig was in the same box. Conner, if you don't find that box within the next hour, I'm going to shove roses so far up your-" she stopped, taking notice of my presence, not glancing at me as she shied away, hiding behind her hair. I sighed and closed my door. It wasn't any of my business, but the landlord was right.


Walking home, I was scrolling through my phone when I received my first text from Y/n in two weeks, and I was astonished to come across a string of messages soon after the first.


Heyy Damian!! Guess what!?

I moved back to Gotham, but I might have to play this new game with you after my raid; the friends helping me with my stuff lost my Playstation 5. Unless you want to play Animal crossing in an hour, you're going to have to wait.

Hey! let's hang out soon! I want to see how much taller you've gotten, maybe even more than Jonathan~.

I felt the heat rise in my neck; I could hear her teasing tone through the text, but what surprised me was that she was back in Gotham. I guess she's not worried about her parents anymore now that she's an adult and probably looks completely different. I chuckled to myself, happy to see her in person again.


That sounds fun. See you then (:

I smiled and headed towards my apartment building, but as I grew near one of the businesses by my building, an explosion rang out, clear as a bell. I saw Bomber and another person fighting hand-to-hand, but this person was a girl with entirely purple hair and green hands fading into the soft peach. However, this girl's skin was porcelain, maybe even porcelain paler. I put my phone away, ducked into an alley to get into my costume, and jumped onto a roof to observe. Batman was soon to join me, wondering who this new person was and whose side they were on. "She seems to have meta abilities, like Flash and Vibe in Central Ohio. Do you think she's related to Poison Ivy since she's a meta-human too?" Batman shook his head, preparing to defuse the situation if the girl turned out to be a villain. "No, it appears that her body changes when she uses her abilities. Look at her hair and arms." I don't get a proper chance to look. Bomber flying towards us in an attack, only to get stopped in his tracks.

A large vine had pulled Bomber to the ground, knocking him unconscious, as the police arrived. The girl wore a skin-tight bodysuit with a short-sleeved zip-up hoodie and a white mask covering her eyes. I jumped down to ensure that the Joker's son was secured properly while the police arrested him. While I was doing so, the girl approached me. "A-aha.. sorry for causing you and Batman trouble. I'm Amaryllis Atsumaru. I'm on your side, so no worries," I nodded, understanding, signaling to Batman that everything was okay. "So, Amaryllis, where are you from?" She looked at me and smiled like I was an old friend. "I grew up here, but I moved to London. I've mastered five languages. Although, it's been a while since I've seen you and Batman in action." Chuckling, I pat the new hero's head; she was attractive. "Well, you'll have to wait for the Joker to cause chaos to see that," she laughed weekly before saying a quick goodbye and disappearing. Batman and I quickly walked over to the police and asked questions about what happened before Amaryllis got involved. She felt vaguely familiar to me, at least her attitude towards me and the Bomber did.

Although the one girl I miss more than anything is Aster, she vanished five years ago without saying goodbye, no letters, no notes, nothing. I missed her, and I want to plan a meet-up with her soon to catch up on everything in our lives, but she's been missing for so long I doubt she's even in Gotham anymore. I wish I knew where I could find Aster; I've done so much searching that I've just given up on my search. I sigh to myself and start my patrol route early so I can play games with Y/n.


Arriving home, I noticed something odd about my new neighbor's door; flower petals were trying to push their way out from underneath the bottom of the doorway. They were glowing purple and pink; suddenly, the door slammed open, and I heard a range of curse words and shouting before a giant rose slammed a body against the wall. The significant flower falls, the sound of two bodies collapsing onto the ground ring through the hall, one soft thump from inside the apartment, and one hefty thump from the body in front of me. The big thump came from a large male, covered in defensive wounds, walking forward and peeking into the apartment. I see the girl from earlier this morning struggling to lift herself, hair glowing a very bright purple. She must have been the little softer thump. She manages to lift her head, and her eyes widen in shock at my sight. And at that moment, I realize who she is from her glowing purple eyes. "Aster?" she didn't hear me, but she frantically shot her arm forward, and a vine shot out of her hand, slamming the door shut. All I do is stand there and think for a moment. This giant man got thrown like a sack of rotten potatoes, and there was a broken window facing an alley. I decided not to worry about it and went into my apartment, curious about why Aster had returned all this time and in my neighbor's apartment. Hopping on my switch, I await for Y/n to hop on our island.

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