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Ivy sat in front of her vanity, brushing through her caramel hair with her nails. Cast invited her and the rest to her house to 'hang out', but Ivy had to dress like it was a study party. That's what it was as far as her parents were concerned.

"Honey, the Killan's are here." Her mother opened the door, wearing a smile. "God, your such a beauty." Cooed Mrs. Lawerance, walking to her daughter and brushing her hair.

"I get it from you mother." Ivy responded, standing up. "Thank you for letting me go." Mrs. Lawerance smiled sweetly.

"I would never stop you from studying. Now, this is at who's house again?" Mrs. Lawerance brushed Ivy's buttoned shirt, and straightened her pencil skirt.

"Kenzie's house. Her parents are providing dinner. Can I go now?" Asked Ivy and her mother nodded. She had to lie about where it was at also because her family hates the Asbury's, and Cast herself.

"Have fun!" Called Mrs. Lawerance as Ivy left the house, glad to leave it.

"Hey hon-" Isla's voice stopped in the middle. Ivy looked in confusion at her friend who kept looking at her outfit and her hairstyle. "That is not what you wear to an Asbury event honey." She whispered, and Ivy breathed out.

"Oh La, let her go." James retorted and Isla looked at him with a fire in her dark eyes, making James step back. Most people saw Isla as a naive, sweet, girly teenager. Most times, that's what she was. But when she wanted to, she was terrifying and snappy.

"Let your crush of Cast. She's taken-by two men! Stop being daft and go for Kenzie." Isla slapped the back of his head before turning back to Ivy. "We don't have the time, but next time, tell me to come earlier so we can fix," her voice paused, "this."

"Only way I was allowed out of the house." Ivy stated sheepishly and Isla shook her head as James started walking. Ivy looked at Isla's outfit and shook her own head.

Isla was wearing a bralette with cheeky shorts with white platform heels. Ivy assumed her swimsuit and other accessories were in her large handbag.

"Your lucky only your friends are gonna be there." Isla stated and starting walking alongside her twin.

"I dress like this to school." Ivy protested weakly, and Isla looked at Ivy pityful.

"Why we're your only friends honey." James looked at his sister alarmingly but Isla brushed it off and kept walking. Ivy looked defeated and James went to comfort her.

"Hey, she's just in a mood. It's also that time." James assured the hurt Ivy who nodded slowly, hoping it looked like she understood. "Don't worry about her. She's legit the devil in Prada." Joked James and Ivy wanted to force a smile, but it wasn't forced. James had that power; to make you laugh or smile when you were in the worst mood.

No, Ivy doesn't like him. There was a time but that was before James and Cast started dating in the seventh grade. Besides, there was Diana. "Do you really still like Cast?" Ivy inquired James as they walked behind Isla.

"Well yea, who couldn't?" Ivy didn't argue with that fact. She herself used to crush on the girl.

"Didn't you break up with her though?" Asked Ivy with an arched eyebrow and James nodded. "Why if you never stopped liking her?" James looked at Ivy with a sad look in his bright brown eyes.

"I didn't want to break up with her-obviously. But Isla made me." Ivy gasped. "She didn't want me dating her best friend and she threatened to tell the school I had ball cancer so I had to get that amputated." Explained James sadly.

"And then there was Noah and Isaiah." Ivy guessed and James nodded.

"Well let's not focus on my drab love life. Let's talk about your love life." James grinned at the suddenly flushed Ivy. "Come on, you can talk to me. I know I'm one of your favorites." Teased the twin and Isla suddenly paused. "What the bloody hell La?"

"Popular cronies." Isla hissed and Ivy loudly groaned.

"Let's just walk-" James started to suggest but was cut off by a smooth, fruity male voice.

"Can we walk you?" The three turned to face Grant Antinoui, the most popular boy in school. Ivy had to admit; he was hot. Like, super super hot with his ocean blue eyes and his white blinding smile. "Hello Isla."

Isla bared her own blinding teeth at Grant who only smirked. "Oh you love me Killan." He smirked and Isla was taken aback. Grant was about to say something but his girlfriend came.

Melody Aville smiled sweetly and fakely at the trio. Her perfect blonde hair in a half up half down hairstyle with a short white cute sundress on. Ivy liked one thing about Melody; she didn't look fake. "Hey!" She instantly locked arms with Grant.

James rolled his eyes at Melody who simply giggled. "Where are you lot off to?" Her British accent was adorable though.

"Somewhere." Isla hissed and Melody stuck out her bottom lip at Isla who simply sneered at the girl.

"Aw, no need to be rude here. It was a simple question La." Isla growled at the mention of her nickname. Ivy sensed history between the couple and Isla. "Oh, did I lose the honor of calling you that Isla?"

"You lost the honor of being in my damn presence Aville." Isla scoffed and Melody gasped and Grant shook his head.

"Don't be rude Killan." He sounded disappointed but winked at Isla who crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her chin up high.

"We got to go. Lovely talking to you." James took the arms of both Ivy and Isla and turned to walk away but was cut off.

"Aw, no, the fun was just getting started JJ." Melody whined like a puppy and James looked at her with a look in his eyes Ivy didn't recognize. His eyes hardened. "Come on, stay and we can play a game."

"That game is going to end up with us out of your eyesight, and you staying out of our lives Mel. Go fuck yourself." Everyone who heard that statement gasped. No one ever heard James speak like that except a time before; defending Cast.

"Well, that was quite rude. And besides, I got Granti." Melody feigned being hurt, putting a tan hand to her heart.

"Didn't think y'all could screw when the guy is lacking a dick." James growled and dragged Ivy and Isla out of the way. "God I hate them."

"Ditto." Isla said, slightly shocked at what she just watched. James was supposed to be the huge, cuddly teddy bear. James scoffed. "What?" Challenged Isla.

"You weren't saying that when your head was in between his legs." Isla gasped and Ivy covered her mouth, pretending to be shocked but in reality hiding laughter. "But I guess it woulda been hard with his sad excuse of a dick in your mouth, huh?" James stalked off, leaving a shocked Isla and Ivy, who despite dating Diana, felt a flicker of fondness towards the rude side of James.

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