32nd Entry: March 13,2018. 10:01pm

5 2 0

You are not perfect
You are not ugly
You are not beautiful
You are not pretty
You are not cute nor funny
You are not helping
You are not enough
You are not wanted
You are not needed
You are not fitted
You are not acceptable
You are not wise
You are not smart
You are not blessed
You are not talented

But, You are great, you did your best even if it was not what the society wanted to see or what they are expecting you to be. You tried and struggled a lot, you kept up on life and now life is within you. You are alive, you breathe the same air that other people does and you exhaled the same as with them. You were wonderful on how you speak, listen, move and everything that you did unconsciously. You were not perfect but even with the craziest flaws you have, you did great, better actually. You were amazing, You were YOU.....

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